Hi there. My name's Laura. And I'm Tegan. And we're here to talk about our trauma-informed care project. So our trauma-informed care project really focused on, how can we improve patients' experiences of care? How can we reduce restrictive practise? How can we improve health outcomes? And how can we improve our staff wellbeing as well? So kind of to look at how we did this, it's understanding that trauma-informed care really recognises the potential of trauma in everyone that we come in contact with and understanding how this could potentially impact them and how we can respond to this. So our project looked at improving education and awareness. It looked at supporting policy and procedure. It looked at our staff wellness as well as our recruitment processes as well. So the Project Innovation Fund very kindly provided us just under $370,000, which enabled us to provide staff training and a project team. So there were a number of challenges that we experienced during our project that forced us to be adaptable to the changing environment and I think the most significant one that we experienced was the COVID-19 pandemic. Because a large chunk of our education was looking at how can we deliver education and increase awareness for our nursing staff, with the pandemic, a lot of education was suspended until we kind of understood what was unfolding. So with COVID-19 as well, it also resulted in changes in our project team, meaning that we had new project leads come onto the project. We started to see this as not so much of a challenge but as an opportunity that provided new eyes, new insight, new ideas into the project. It provided us with more opportunity as well as we were able to then also consider who else can we deliver our training to outside of nursing staff, and we were able to capture community clinicians, allied health, medical security, and administration. There was a lot of opportunities that actually arose throughout our project, including that we were able to provide training not just to nursing staff, as had been the original aim, but also to allied health, administration, security staff, and that was an economic decision in that we already had the outlay of the trainers and felt that it was a really important opportunity to invite other staff to be a part of that. We were also able to offer some training to the Prince Charles Hospital and Caboolture sites. We delivered some information sessions to the Royal Brisbane executive leadership team and train the trainer opportunities for Royal Brisbane educators, as well as adapting and delivering a trauma-informed care online module for training of staff as well. So additional to providing education and awareness to our staff was looking at what resources we could develop to support the implementation of trauma-informed care into service delivery, and a couple of those examples include inclusion of trauma into our lived experience statement that is said at the beginning of every Metro North Mental Health meeting and also education. We also developed a staff debrief tool as well for staff to access after a clinical incident arise, which uses the trauma-informed care framework to help reflect on an incident that has occurred. And we've also developed some policy and documents as well. So we've got our trauma-informed care guidelines, which kind of provides an outlay of trauma-informed care and what that looks like in service delivery and at an individual level, and we've also developed a trauma-informed care nursing capability framework as well, which kind of provides that continuum and that opportunity for staff to look at where on this framework their skillset lays and those opportunities for them to develop through the lens of trauma-informed care. So interesting outcomes that came from the project were that we were able to provide training to 417 staff, and that included allied health, security, administration, and nursing staff. That worked out to be 77% of our inpatient nursing workforce in mental health, which we thought was very positive numbers. We found that there was a very strong uptake from staff and they saw it as really relevant and appropriate to their work environment and practise. And we also saw that there was really good support from the leadership structures and executive in investing further in this initiative. I hope that you've found this presentation from the Nursing and Midwifery Showcase to be informative. Please take the time to check out the other projects available showcasing nursing and midwifery excellence. Thank you.