Support for Families

ABIOS is a specialist community-based rehabilitation service that works with people who have experienced an acquired brain injury as an adult and their families.

Adults with an acquired brain injury (ABI) and their families have little or no opportunity to prepare for their injury.

Initially they are called on to rapidly cope with a major trauma, hospitalisation, treatment and rehabilitation.

a family outdoors in a field together

Then they must to cope with the ongoing impacts of the injury and the uncertainty this brings for the future
- for both them and their family member.

The speed and success with which families adapt and cope varies greatly, and the process is never easy.

Families may need information, education, support and counselling to assist them in adapting, coping and planning for the challenges an ABI brings.

The following fact sheets cover specific areas of family experience in more detail and offer some strategies to cope with these experiences.

a family at the beach 

child finger painting


children looking at websites on a laptop

Family experiences
after ABI


Parenting After ABI


Information for

Contact ABIOS:

Last updated: 12 July 2022