Implementation of the Government response to Recommendation 4

Youth Mental Health

In the State Budget announcement on 13 June 2017, the Government  committed more than $68M for capital works to rebuild and expand mental healthcare services for young people.  This includes delivery of a new Adolescent Extended Treatment Facility at The Prince Charles Hospital; two new Step Up Step Down Units in north Brisbane and south Brisbane; and refurbishment for two new adolescent day program spaces at Logan and the Gold Coast.

The Department of Health and the Department of Education and Training (DET) are continuing to work in  collaboration to deliver on this commitment.

The co-design process for the model of service, concept design of the facility, staffing profiles, integrated educational/vocational services and funding requirements will continue through to the next phase of development.

There will be further opportunities for consumers, carers, families, and other young people, and infrastructure, education and clinical representatives to continue to be involved in this process.

Key activities to date:

  • On 13 October 2016 the Government announced a new adolescent mental health facility to be built at The Prince Charles Hospital site.
  • Consumer and carer participants have been engaged through Health Consumers Queensland.
  • Completion of three workshops to develop the preliminary Model of Service (MOS) led by Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch in October-November 2016.
  • Completion of three co-design infrastructure workshops in November-December 2016.
  • The DET is progressing development of a state-wide educational and vocational program for students with complex mental health needs.
  • Completion of initial schematic design reports and concept design for the proposed facilities.
  • Development of initial staffing profiles and identification of education and health costings for the proposed facilities
  • The preliminary MOS: Adolescent Extended Treatment Facility was released for public comment in January 2017 and the consultation period closed on 17 February 2017.  A Thematic Analysis Report summarizing feedback from the website consultation has been finalised.
  • The next iteration of the MOS (the initial MOS) was informed by the findings from Recommendation 3 and the website consultation feedback.
  • The initial MOS has been externally reviewed with Dr Paul Roberston providing a report of this review – External Review: Model of Service (MOS) for the State-wide Adolescent Extended Treatment and Rehabilitation Facilty (AETR).

The Youth Mental Health Program Oversight Committee established by Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch (MHAODB), Clinical Excellence Division, Department of Health will oversee the Youth Mental Health Program. The Youth Mental Health Program includes progressing work associated with the outcomes of reports and reviews completed as part of the successful implementation of the Queensland Government response to the Barrett Adolescent Centre (BAC) COI Report.

Last updated: 3 August 2017