PC1100 - Introducing PaRROT

When Prior to or within 4 weeks of commencing work in the rural and remote setting
For All Staff Average Time 30 Minutes
Topics Modules Overview Learning Objectives
The PaRROT Program Introduction

This topic provides information on the PaRROT training program from its history through to its current status.

You will be able to identify your learning style and think about the best way to approach this training.

On completion of this topic learners will be able to

  • Describe the objectives and principles of the
    PaRROT program
  • Discuss the benefits of undertaking this program
  • Discuss the links between completing the program and enhanced practice in the rural and remote and primary health care setting
  • Discuss how adults learn
  • Define the different types of learning style
  • Identify preferred learning style
  • Develop strategies that will help identify the best way to learn using preferred learning styles.
Learning Styles

There is no assessment but it is important to reflect on your learning style and note down some strategies you can use – examples of these strategies includes listening to the
presentations rather than reading them if your style is
auditory, taking notes and recording thoughts in a journal if your style is visual and so on.

Last updated: 21 February 2014