TN4200 - Promoting Health

When Within 6 months of commencing work in the rural and remote setting
For Clinical Staff Average Time 50 Minutes
Topics Modules Overview Learning Objectives
Policy Framework Alma Ata

This topic presents four important components of the policy and practice frameworks of health promotion.

Modules one and two introduce the Alma Ata which consists of the ten fundamental principles for effective comprehensive primary health care and The Ottawa Charter which provides the blueprint for action for primary health care.

Module 3 discusses the social determinants of health and the fourth and final module reviews community engagement, which is essential in the provision of comprehensive primary health care.


On completion of this topic learners will be able to

  • Define Health Promotion
    Discuss the link between comprehensive primary health care, the Alma Ata, the Ottawa Charter for Health, social determinants of health and community engagement
  • Define the principles of the Alma Ata
  • Explain the intent of the Ottawa Charter
  • Identify the 5 action areas of the Ottawa Charter
  • Identify and discuss the social determinants of health
  • Define community engagement
  • Identify the levels of community engagement
  • Discuss the principles of good practice in community engagement
Ottawa Charter
Practice Framework Social Determinants of Health
Engaging Communities

Last updated: 21 February 2014