About Queensland Stay On Your Feet

Stay On Your Feet® is Queensland's approach for promoting healthy active ageing and preventing falls among older people in our community and health care facilities, including hospitals and residential aged care facilities. Queenslanders aged 60 years and over are the focus of Stay On Your Feet® as evidence indicates age-related declines in vision, muscle strength and postural sway225 from the age of 40 years onwards.

Stay On Your Feet® is supported by a range of evidence-based resources developed in Queensland, based on current falls prevention evidence and outcomes from the following projects:

Key Queensland Stay On Your Feet® resources

Queensland Stay On Your Feet® includes the following resources for seniors, health professionals, service providers, hospitals and residential aged care facilities.

For seniorsQueensland Stay On Your Feet® checklistsEasy to use resources for older people. The short Queensland Stay On Your Feet® Checklist helps older people quickly identify reasons why they may fall. The comprehensive How to Stay On Your Feet® Checklist provides detailed information about ways to stay safe, active and independent.

For Queensland Health staff/s refer to the How to Order information

For those who require less than 10 brochures please email us.

 Ageing with vitality resourcesFull of tips, real-life stories and sample exercises to make being healthy and active fun. Suggests everyday activities and exercises for strength, balance, flexibility and endurance. Separate workbook available to plan and record progress as physical activity levels increase.

For Queensland Health staff/s refer to the How to Order information

For those who require less than 10 brochures please email us.

For professionals and service providersQueensland Stay On Your Feet® Health Continuum Model (A3 poster)Outlines the roles various health care providers can play in falls prevention with older people across the health continuum.
 Queensland Stay On Your Feet® Community Good Practice GuidelinesEvidence based information about falls prevention in the community
 Queensland Stay On Your Feet® Community Good Practice ToolkitA step-by-step guide showing how to investigate, plan, implement and review evidence based local falls prevention initiatives at individual, organisational or community levels
 Queensland Stay On Your Feet® image libraryThe image library is a collection of healthy active ageing photographs showing older people in a range of environments. Contains a wide range of free images that can be used in publications, PowerPoint presentations and media releases, provided appropriate acknowledgment is given.
 Falls management and prevention referral checklistA best practice referral checklist to facilitate better management of older people who have had falls while living in the community. This checklist assists health professionals refer to suitable health care providers from different disciplines and agencies.

Use of Queensland Stay On Your Feet® branding

Stay On Your Feet® is a copyrighted term used in Queensland with the kind permission of the Western Australian Health Department. A Queensland Stay On Your Feet® Style Guide  has been produced by Queensland Health to ensure all resources produced have consistent branding, style and look. To maintain consistent style and quality control, please seek prior approval to use the Stay On Your Feet® branding by contacting us by email at stayonyourfeet@health.qld.gov.au.

Give us your feedback

Queensland Health welcomes your comments about the Stay On Your Feet® website. We would also like to hear about any falls prevention initiatives you are involved with, and how our resources have helped you. To provide your feedback, please email us.

Last updated: 1 April 2021