Falls research - Queensland Stay On Your Feet

This page contains links for health professionals to international and Australian scientific research relating to falls and falls prevention. For research on risk factors including balance, physical activity, continence, nutrition, footwear, public places and hazards in the home, please see risk factors.

International research

World Health Organisation (WHO)

Cochrane Collaboration (worldwide database of systematic reviews of the scientific literature)

Prevention of Falls Network Earth (ProFaNE)

Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, Canada

Australian research

There are a number of Australian research studies that have used representative samples and may be worth examining. These studies include the Dubbo study by Lord, the Australian Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ALSA) study by Dolinis and the Health Status of Older People (HSOP) study by Kendig, Browning et al.

Australian Government


Victorian Government

New South Wales

South Australia

  • Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) (an international collaboration involving nursing, medical and allied health researchers, clinicians, academics and quality managers across 40 countries) - includes current falls prevention research, resources and recommended links.

Western Australia

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Last updated: 10 January 2013