Pharmacy ownership review

On 3 May 2018, Queensland Parliament referred an inquiry into the establishment of a pharmacy council and transfer for pharmacy ownership in Queensland (inquiry) to the Health, Communities, Disability Services and Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Committee (committee). The committee's Report No. 12, 56th Parliament - Inquiry into the establishment of a pharmacy council and transfer of pharmacy ownership in Queensland was tabled in Parliament on 16 October 2018.

During the inquiry, the committee requested that the Queensland Audit Office (QAO) conduct an audit of the administration of transfer of pharmacy ownership by Queensland Health. QAO's Report No 4: 2018-19 – Managing transfer of pharmacy ownership was tabled on 28 September 2018.

The committee and QAO recommended that the department review existing pharmacy business ownership arrangements. Accordingly, the department is currently reviewing pharmacy business arrangements in Queensland to ensure they comply with the relevant provisions of Pharmacy Business Ownership Act 2001 (the Act).

Owners of pharmacy businesses that are selected to take part in the review will receive correspondence from the department informing them of their selection. The department may request related information and documentation to enable it to undertake the review.

Review Process

  1. Owners of pharmacy businesses participating in the review will receive correspondence from the department informing them of the selection.
  2. The department may request information including but not limited to:

      (a) the operation of a pharmacy business such as trustee of trust, partnership, company or sole trader;

      (b) the business structure of the pharmacy business (e.g. corporate, trust, partnership structures) and;

      (c) third party arrangements the pharmacy business has entered into, including but not limited to franchise agreements, service agreements, lease and licences.

  3. Each owner is asked to complete the Form 3 - Pharmacy Business Compliance Review (PDF 368 kB) (Form 3). While the form may be completed by the individual relevant persons separately, only one copy of the form, annexures and supporting documents relating to the operation or structure of the pharmacy business is required.
  4. The department will conduct an assessment on the information provided. Further clarification or information including documents may be sought from the owner/s during the review process.
  5. The department will inform the owner/s in writing once the assessment is complete.
  6. A Documentation List is included within Form 3 which may assist the pharmacy owner/s in determining which documents are relevant.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which pharmacy businesses are subject to the review?

The department will review all current arrangements of all pharmacy businesses in Queensland, however only select pharmacy business owners will receive correspondence requesting information and completion of Form 3. Do not complete and submit Form 3 unless you have been requested to do so by the department.

How long will the review take?

Timeframes are not available currently.

Is it mandatory to take part or respond to the review?

Should a pharmacy business owner not wish to provide a response to the review, they can. Although, the department encourages participation to enable the Committee's recommendations to be complied with.

Questions, concerns or complaints

Questions, concerns or complaints in relation to the department’s review of pharmacy business ownership arrangements, should be directed to the contact details below.

For further information regarding making a complaint, please visit the Compliments and complaints about Department of Health services.


Phone: 07 3708 5258

Review form

Download Form 3 – Pharmacy business compliance review (PDF 368 kB)

Do not submit this form to the department unless you have been requested to do so.

Last updated: 24 November 2021