For health professionals
Notification forms
ARF and RHD are notifiable conditions in Queensland and notifications should be made within 48 hours of suspected or confirmed diagnosis on the notification forms.
Clinical pathway
This pathway is designed to support clinicians recognise and manage suspected ARF in adult and paediatric patients presenting to the Emergency Department.
Australian guidelines
The guidelines contain standards, recommendations, and guidance for providing clinically sound and culturally safe care to people living with acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease.
Clinical support application
The ARF diagnosis calculator guides clinical suspicion of acute rheumatic fever based on personal risk factors and presenting symptoms.
ARF and RHD Education Framework
This framework guides the delivery of clinical education and training to support the prevention, identification, treatment, and management of ARF and RHD. It is relevant to all those who deliver and are responsible for the provision of clinical education and training.
E-Learning modules
Content has been developed by Australian experts and is consistent with the 2020 Australian guideline for the prevention, diagnosis, and management of ARF and RHD.
- Introduction to ARF and RHD
- Prevention of ARF and RHD
- Michael’s Story
- RHD for Community-based Workers
- Recognising ARF
- Administering Bicillin
- Women and Girls with RHD
- Women and girls with RHD – Pregnancy Focus
RHD and pregnancy
Primary clinical care manual (PCCM)
The Primary Clinical Care Manual (PCCM) supports and enables rural, remote and isolated clinicians to provide evidence-based, quality and safe care for people living in these areas.
See Skin problems, Sore throat, Injection Pain, Ventrogluteal Injection, Acute Rheumatic Fever, Secondary prophylaxis for acute rheumatic fever (ARF), Acutely swollen/painful joint.
Chronic conditions manual
The Chronic Conditions Manual (CCM) has been developed using contemporary, evidenced literature and best practice frameworks, with use by clinicians as a core aim. See Rheumatic Heart Disease (page 406)
Healthy skin resources
National Healthy Skin Guideline: for the Prevention, Treatment and Public Health Control of Impetigo, Scabies, Crusted Scabies and Tinea for Indigenous Populations and Communities in Australia.
For patients, families, and community
- Sore Throat & Skin Sores (PDF 3235 kB)
- Strong Heart Strong Body Warrior (PDF 535 kB)
- Bicillin Always Early Never Late (PDF 798 kB)
- Help Heal Skin Sores (PDF 857 kB)
- What is ARF? / How can i stop ARF? (PDF 1207 kB)
- Prevent Rheumatic Heart Disease (PDF 1704 kB)
Books and comics
- Strong Heart, Strong Body Booklet (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) (PDF 7214 kB)
- Strong Heart, Strong Body Booklet (PDF 6417 kB)
- Nothin' deadly about a sore throat - Comic Book (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) 1355520
- Nothin' deadly about a sore throat - Comic Book (PDF 1208 kB)
- Childrens Activity Book (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) (PDF 9499 kB)
Bicillin injection
This educational video has been developed to show the process from a child’s perspective of what happens when they come in for their clinic appointment to receive the Bicillin L-A injection.
Bicillin wallet card
- Bicillin Game Plan Wallet Card (PDF 818 kB)