Queensland Health privacy notice: Use of Microsoft Teams for meetings and recordings

Use of Microsoft Teams for training, events or meetings

Queensland Health and the Hospital and Health Services may utilise Microsoft Teams (MS Teams) to coordinate and host a range of online events, including, for example collaboration meetings, training, information sessions and/or forums.

In the use of MS Teams, your personal information may be collected, stored, and used for the purpose of registering your participation, to communicate with participants, seek feedback, and also for reporting purposes.

This collection of personal information may include your name, email, profile photo, image, conversation (such as your voice, questions and opinions), as well as any other personal information you choose to share during the MS Teams meeting or event.

This collection of personal information may be collected, stored, and used to distribute content following the training or event, to collect feedback, or contact you about future training or events.

Personal information collected via MS Teams is stored within Australia.

The meeting organiser is responsible for informing all participants about how personal information captured by MS Teams may be collected, used, disclosed and for what purpose(s).

For information about how Queensland Health or the Hospital and Health Services protect your personal information, or to learn about your right to access your own personal information, please refer to the respective health agency’s privacy policy:

Events and training that are recorded with MS Teams

A Queensland Health or a Hospital and Health Service event/meeting organiser, or another participant, may record the session using MS Teams. Should this occur, you will be notified via an automated MS Teams message which will be displayed at the start of the recording.

If you join or participate in an event or training that is being recorded, at a minimum your display name may be captured in the recording.

Where an event or training session is recorded, video and audio will either be disabled or enabled, however you will have the option to disable your video and mute your audio.

If you chose to enable your video and audio, your image background, voice, and any

background sounds may be captured in the recording, along with your display name.

In some circumstances, the organiser may decide to publish the MS Teams recording on the health agency’s website or intranet or share a copy of the recording with participants.

The meeting organiser is responsible for informing all participants about how their personal information captured by MS Teams recording may be collected, used, disclosed and for what purpose(s), this includes whether or not the recording will be made available or published online.

Collection by Microsoft when using Microsoft Teams

Microsoft may also collect your personal information as a result of using MS Teams. The privacy information on Microsoft’s website details the collection, use, disclosure, and storage information by MS Teams. Microsoft’s privacy statement also offers more information about their broader privacy practices, as well as contact details.

Last updated: 13 April 2023