PaRROT Professional Development


PaRROT Professional Development

Welcome to the PaRROT Professional Development training series

Professional Development incorporates three (3) training sessions. Please click on the boxes below the course title for the course overviews and course outlines.


Child Health Check

Adult Health Check

Growing Strong and Well

Course Overview

Course Overview

Course Overview

Course Outline Course Outline Course Outline

To assist you through your learning journey, checklists have been developed with suggested pathways for your professional stream.


 Administration Officer - Child Health Check

 Health Professional - Child Health Check

Administration Officer - Adult Health Check Health Professional - Adult Health Check
Administration Officer - Growing Strong Health Professional - Growing Strong

Please Note: An ENROLMENT KEY is required for all PaRROT training sessions. If you have not already done so, please complete the following Enrolment Quiz below to receive your PaRROT enrolment key. Else proceed to the Professional Development training sessions below.

Enrolment Quiz

Child Health Check  Adult Health Check  Growing Strong and Well 


Download  "Getting Started with PaRROT- User Manual" (PDF 2.58MB)      PaRROT User Manual

This manual is a step by step guide on how to use the PaRROT training program and is recommended to all users.



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Last updated: 14 May 2013