Clinical services capability framework guideline

Guideline number: QH-HSDGDL-032-4:2022

Effective date: 21 December 2022

Review date: 21 December 2025

Supersedes: N/A

On this page:

  1. Purpose
  2. Scope
  3. Self-assessing and reporting
  4. Supporting and related documents
  5. Approval and implementation
  6. Version control

1. Purpose

This guideline describes Queensland Health’s process for complying with the Clinical Services Capability Framework (CSCF). The CSCF identifies and measures the provision of public sector health services to Queenslanders through Hospital and Health Services (HHSs).

2. Scope

This guideline applies to all HHSs.

3. Self-assessing and reporting under the clinical services capability framework

3.1 Self-assessing and reporting

3.1.1 HHSs must ensure that:

  1. all hospitals/relevant facilities have undertaken a baseline self-assessment against the current CSCF
  2. the Department of Health is notified when a change, including a new health service, to the CSCF baseline self-assessment occurs through the established public hospital CSCF notification process; and
  3. when a CSCF module is updated, or a new module is introduced, a self-assessment is undertaken against the relevant module and submitted to the Department of Health.
  4. HHSs are accountable for attesting to the accuracy of the information contained in their CSCF self-assessment submitted to the Department.

3.2 Temporary suspension or permanent cessation of a health service

3.2.1 The Department of Health and a HHS may terminate or temporarily suspend a health service identified within the CSCF by mutual agreement. The proposed termination or suspension must be made in writing.

  1. A suspension may result from, but is not exclusively due to, limitations in workforce capacity or issues regarding the safety or quality of the services provided.
  2. A termination means the permanent cessation of a health service by a HHS.
  3. A temporary suspension means the service is either reduced or ceases for a period of three months or less.

The Department of Health may not support a request from a HHS to terminate or suspend a health service and may require the HHS to maintain the service. Funding provided by the Department of Health for the health service may be reallocated.

5. Approval and implementation

Guideline custodian
Executive Director, Patient Safety and Quality, Clinical Excellence Queensland.

Approving officer
Director General, Clinical Excellence Queensland, Department of Health.
Approval date: 21 December 2022
Effective from: 21 December 2022

6. Version control

VersionDate Prepared  byComments
1.0 21 Dec 2022 PSQ New guideline

Last updated: 20 December 2022