Patients and public

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  • I have COVID-19

    Find out what to do if you have COVID-19 or COVID-19 symptoms.


    A healthier system for a healthier Queensland. Find out more about the vision and future opportunities.

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  • Don't be complacent

    ‘Don’t be complacent’ highlights the importance of vaccination and maintaining good hygiene behaviours. This seasonal campaign features real stories from everyday Queenslanders, who share their experiences influenza, COVID-19 and RSV.

  • Your drinking

    The ‘Keep an Eye on Your Drinking’ campaign aims to increase knowledge and understanding amongst Queenslanders of the alcohol guidelines, harms of risky drinking and benefits of reducing alcohol consumption. The campaign creative encourages self-reflection on drinking habits, with a call to action of know how many is too many, before directing to the campaign website for more information.

  • We are Queensland Health

    Join a team like no other. We’re over 100,000 strong, with more than 300 diverse career paths. We are a world-class healthcare system, with training and career support to take you further.

Health system and governance

2023-24 Queensland Health Budget

The 2023-24 Queensland Health Budget aims to reduce ambulance ramping, ease pressure on emergency departments, and reduce surgical and specialist wait times.


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