Falls and safety in and around the home - Stay On Your Feet

Why is home safety a risk factor?

 Icon showing home safety informationThe relative risk of falls can be reduced by 20% in those with a history of falling by an occupational therapist conducting a thorough home risk assessment and arranging the recommended modifications for free or at a low cost 142,220. The specific education and training provided by an occupational therapist on the use of technical and mobility aids and mobilising safely around the home is an essential component. 220,221. Home modification programs conducted without the input of an occupational therapist have not been as effective. Falls can also occur in public places where the physical environment is not safe.

What works

  • Home risk assessment by an occupational therapist, followed by recommended modifications to the home
  • Use of technical and mobility aids
  • Planning for safe public spaces

Who can help older people with making their home and surrounds safe?

  • Occupational therapist (home)
  • Local government (public places)

Screening tools

  • Home Falls and Accidents Screening Tool, is a home environmental audit tool for use in population based studies developed by the Discipline of Occupational Therapy at the University of Newcastle

Research on falls and home safety

Resources related to home safety and falls

To find out more about risk factors

For more in-depth information about falls risk factors, risk awareness, risk screening and assessment methods, refer to the Queensland Stay On Your Feet® Community Good Practice Guidelines.

Last updated: 13 July 2022