Disclosure log 2012-13

22 February 2013–30 June 2013

The Department of Health is required to maintain a disclosure log in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009. Should you have any difficulty with downloading documents on this page or have any queries regarding the disclosure log, please contact us.

DOHDL number

Date of application

Scope of applicationName of applicantOutcome of application
DOH-DL 12/13-00127/02/2013

Any documents including reports, audits, reviews, emails (plus attachments) briefing notes and memos, since January 1 2012, relating to the employment of staff who either had a criminal conviction/s prior to employment, or were charged with criminal offences after employment.

Please include:

  1. The type of offence
  2. The date of offence
  3. The outcome of the charge
  4. Any action taken by the department.

Please include the area they work in (eg finance, nursing, etc.).  Please exclude their names, addresses and other personally identifying information.  Please also exclude duplicates and information that has already been publicly released.

The Courier-Mail

8 pages - full release
259 pages - partial release
(identifiable staff information removed)
DOH-DL 12/13-001-01 (PDF, 1.89MB)
DOH-DL 12/13-001-02 (PDF, 1.41MB)
DOH-DL 12/13-001-03 (PDF, 7.57MB)
DOH-DL 12/13-001-04 (PDF, 225kB)
DOH-DL 12/13-001-05 (PDF, 10.09MB)

DOH-DL 12/13-00228/02/2013

Any documents including reports, emails (plus attachments), briefing notes and memos, relating to issues, changes and/or reform involving the Torres Strait - Northern Peninsula Hospital and Health Service, since January 1, 2012.

Please include correspondence such as reports from chief executive Simone Kolaric to the Director-General.

Please exclude duplicates and information that has already been publicly released (ie tabled in Parliament).

 Deemed decision. 
DOH-DL 12/13-00328/02/2013

Radiology Reporting Contracts (including tender submission and contract awarded) for the following hospitals:

  • Townsville
  • Cairns
  • QEII

Date range:  January to December 2010.

Qscan Radiology Clinics

346 pages - full release
48 pages - partial release
(some information removed as irrelevant)
DOH-DL 12/13-003-01 (PDF, 11.95MB)
DOH-DL 12/13-003-02 (PDF, 7.39MB)
DOH-DL 12/13-003-03 (PDF, 12.14MB)

DOH-DL 12/13-00405/03/2013Health Services Support Agency Radiology Services Profile 2011-12.Qscan Radiology Clinics121 pages - full release
DOH-DL 12/13-004 (PDF, 3.84MB) 
DOH-DL 12/13-00507/03/2013

All documents relating to Palm Island juvenile deaths provided to Minister for Health.

Date range:  February-March 2013.

 Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 12/13-00608/03/2013Environmental Radioactivity Assessment June 2006.Member of the publicDocuments not published in accordance with section 78B(2).
DOH-DL 12/13-00714/03/2013Statistical information regarding maternity services in Queensland public and private hospitals.Member of the public

5 pages - full release
DOH-DL 12/13-007 (PDF, 291kB)

DOH-DL 12/13-00802/04/2013

Report from the Aeromedical Helicopter Review and findings.

Member of the public

Application withdrawn.  Report as below.
DOH-DL 12/13-008 (PDF, 1.02MB)

DOH-DL 12/13-00905/04/2013

Documents relating to stockpiles at Noosa North Shore and Lake Freshwater relating to contaminated land and radioactive substances.

Date range:  September 1993 - June 2009.

Revised scope:
Radiological Survey and Field Notes of Ilmenite stockpiles at Noosa North Shore, Rainbow Beach and Lake Freshwater.

Member of the public30 pages - full release
2 pages - partial release
DOH-DL 12/13-00p (PDF, 3.12MB) 
DOH-DL 12/13-01017/04/2013

Documents in relation to water fluoridation and anything related to water fluoridation in any way (eg oral health reports, surveys and studies that have a documented link to water fluoridation), as held by the Office of Chief Health Officer and the Office of Chief Dental Officer.

All internal reports, memos, correspondence in any form and all external reports, memos and correspondence in any form (into and out of the two departments) including any included attachments, reports etc on anything to do with water fluoridation.

Date range:  29 November 2012 to 17 April 2013.

Revised scope:
Correspondence on water fluoridation:

(1) that councils have sent in.
(2) that the Chief Dental Officer (CDO) and Chief Health Officer (CHO) have sent out (externally) - a copy of one as a sample, if it is just template correspondence.
(3) that Adelaide University have sent in to CDO and CHO about dental surveys (and possibly continuation of their funding for the dental survey they are doing for Queensland).

Date range:  29 November 2012 to 17 April 2013.

Fluoride Action Network Australia

170 pages - full release
DOH-DL 12/13-010 (PDF, 46.7MB)

DOH-DL 12/13-01119/04/2013

All documents relating to the Regional Community Association Moreton Bay Region.

Date range:  01/04/2012 to April 2013.

Office of the Leader of the Opposition

50 pages - full release
7 pages - partial release
(mobile telephone numbers removed as irrelevant information)
DOH-DL 12/13-011-01 (PDF, 84kB)
DOH-DL 12/13-011-02 (PDF, 133kB)
DOH-DL 12/13-011-03 (PDF, 32.2kB)
DOH-DL 12/13-011-04 (PDF, 2.38MB)
DOH-DL 12/13-011-05 (PDF, 6.5MB)

DOH-DL 12/13-01219/04/2013

Office of the Minister for Health

All documents relating to the Regional Community Association Moreton Bay Region.

Date range: 01/04/2012 to April 2013.

Office of the Leader of the Opposition36 pages - full release
(mobile telephone numbers removed as irrelevant information)
DOH-DL 12/13-012 (PDF, 3.23MB)
DOH-DL 12/13-01322/04/2013

Any documents, including reports, emails, briefing notes, memos and audits, relating to:

  1. The Queensland Board of the Medical Board of Australia;
  2. Dr Jeannette Young; and/or
  3. Dr Peter Woodruff.

Date range:  01/01/2013 to 22/04/2013.

Revised scope:

  • Complaints against the medical board;
  • Issues raised about the medical board;
  • Membership of the medical board (including whether members' positions were under threat);
  • Assessment of the medical board; and
  • Management of the medical board.

Date range: 1 January 2013 to 12 November 2013.

The Courier-Mail10 pages - full release
DOH-DL 12/13-013 (PDF, 1.22MB) 
DOH-DL 12/13-01422/04/2013

Office of the Minister for Health

Any documents, including reports, emails, briefing notes, memos and audits, relating to:

  1. The Queensland Board of the Medical Board of Australia;
  2. Dr Jeannette Young; and/or
  3. Dr Peter Woodruff.

Date range:  01/01/2013 to 22/04/2013.

Revised scope:

  • Complaints against the medical board;
  • Issues raised about the medical board;
  • Membership of the medical board (including whether members' positions were under threat);
  • Assessment of the medical board; and
  • Management of the medical board.

Date range: 1 January 2013 to 12 November 2013.

The Courier-Mail8 pages - full release
DOH-DL 12/13-014 (PDF, 491kB) 
DOH-DL 12/13-01523/04/2013

All briefing notes between the Director-General and the Minister for Health since January 1, 2012.

Revised scope:

  • Date range narrowed to briefing notes from January 1, 2013
  • Exclude cabinet, parliament, privileged, catering contracts, minister's speeches/openings
  • Exclude attachments over 15 pages other than audits/reports
  • Exclude work mobile telephone numbers/direct phone numbers for staff as being irrelevant matter
  • Exclude information currently subject to other RTI applications from the applicant
  • Exclude National Partnership Agreements
  • Exclude active RTI briefs unless relating to the applicant
  • Exclude attachments for overseas travel briefs if relating to information about conferences (eg schedule of events, other data re conference)
  • Exclude National Summit, COAG, Federal Government
  • Exclude obesity information unless providing further information/updates other than what has already been made publicly available
  • Exclude briefs regarding legislation unless there is an indication that a review should be undertaken.
The Courier-Mail

662 pages - full release
34 pages - partial release
DOH-DL 12/13-015 (PDF, 31.5MB)

DOH-DL 12/13-01602/05/2013All documents relating to service planning and reviews of Queensland Neonatal Intensive Care Units.The Courier-Mail182 pages - full release
DOH-DL 12/13-016 (PDF, 1.44MB)
DOH-DL 12/13-01710/05/2013All documents in relation to items lost, stolen, vandalised or otherwise damaged at the Department of Health since 1 January 2011.The Courier-MailDocuments not collected.
Information published on the Queensland Health internet site (Transparency page).
DOH-DL 12/13-01813/05/2013Documents produced in the last two years containing information about the incidence, location and details of any (a) code black and (b) code red security incidents at Queensland hospitals.Seven Network9 pages - full release
15 pages - partial release (identifiable staff, patient and member of the public information removed)
DOH-DL 12/13-018 (PDF, 2.95MB) 
DOH-DL 12/13-01913/05/2013Deaths in Queensland public hospitals relating to malnutrition and dehydration since 1 July 2012.Seven Network4 pages - full release
DOH-DL 12/13-019 (PDF, 201kB)
DOH-DL 12/13-02023/05/2013

Briefing notes regarding:

(a) preventative health measures in Queensland including but not limited to community health, sexual health services and health promotion; and
(b) the risks, costs and benefits of providing and not providing staff immunisation programs, particularly for all types of influenza.

Date range:  01/04/2012 - 22/05/2013.

 Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 12/13-02123/05/2013

Office of the Minister for Health

The diary of the Chief of Staff of the Minister for Health.

Date range:  01/10/2012 - 22/05/2013.

Office of the Leader of the Opposition234 pages - full release
(irrelevant information removed)
DOH-DL 12/13-021 (PDF, 21.23MB)
DOH-DL 12/13-02223/05/2013

Briefing notes regarding the involvement of the private company Healthscope Ltd in the potential use, operation or management of any Queensland Health facilities or services or the provision of clinical support services such as pathology, pharmacy or radiology services to any public hospital or health service in Queensland.

Date range:  01/09/2012 - 22/05/2013.

 Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 12/13-02331/05/2013

Any policy, procedure, work process or like document that summarises or lists the allowable payroll deductions for Queensland Health employees (eg union dues, private health insurance, school fees, salary sacrifice providers) - QH payroll unit.

Date range:  01/01/2012 - 24/05/2013.

Maurice Blackburn Lawyers on behalf of the Australian Workers' Union138 pages - full release
DOH-DL 12/13-023 (PDF, 7.21MB) 
DOH-DL 12/13-02405/06/2013

Any documents relating to public servants suffering depression, including reports, ministerial briefing notes, submissions, faxes and memos.

Date range:  01/01/2010 - 05/06/2013.

The Courier-Mail51 pages - full release
DOH-DL 12/13-024 (PDF, 1.36MB)
DOH-DL 12/13-02505/06/2013

Statewide figures relating to Mental Health:

  • Seclusion rates
  • Mechanical restraints
  • Physical restraints
  • Chemical restraints
  • Total inpatient episodes
  • Information/reports/documents regarding death or injuries among patients and staff
  • Copies of Excel document(s)/file(s) and powerpoint presentation/video detailing seclusion rates provided by Queensland to the Quality and Safety Partnership Subcommittee.  DOHA or the AIHW or related authorities used for the purpose of a presentation made by Professor John Allan at the 2012 Seclusion and Restraint Reduction forum in Cairns.

Date range:  1 January 2002 - 6 June 2013.

 Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 12/13-02611/06/2013

Documents produced in the last year containing information about:

(a)  the incidence of, and dangers from, unvaccinated children in the school system including impact on infection rates; and
(b)  plans, options or consideration of banning unvaccinated children.

Date range:  June 2012 - June 2013.

 Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 12/13-02717/06/2013

A list of consultancy contracts, greater than $50,000, awarded by the department, broken down by the name of the organisation, purpose, length of time engaged for and price.

Date range:  1 July 2012 - 17 June 2013.

 Application withdrawn.  Information published on the Queensland Health internet site (Transparency page).
DOH-DL 12/13-02820/06/2013

Any documents since January 1, 2011, including reports, memos, audits, ministerial briefing notes and emails, relating to outbreaks or risks involving legionnaires disease or legionnaires prevention measures at Queensland hospitals.

Date range:  1 January 2011 - 20 June 2013.

 Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 12/13-02921/06/2013

Documents produced in the last year containing information about:

(a) problems, concerns or possible flaws with legionella control; and
(b) details of audits and/or inspections of cooling towers and problems or flaws with audits or inspections.

Date range:  June 2012 to June 2013.

 Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 12/13-03021/06/2013

Documents produced in the last year containing information about reports on:

(a) lost radiation sources; and
(b) unauthorised radiation practices or processes.

Date range:  June 2012 - June 2013.

 Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 12/13-03127/06/2013

1.  All documents relating to the administration of the 2010 trivalent seasonal influenza vaccine known as Fluvax and Fluvax Junior (Fluvax) in Queensland in 2010;
2.  All documents and data relating to adverse events associated with the use of Fluvax in 2010, including notification given to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) regarding adverse events;
3.  All correspondence between Queensland Health and the TGA regarding the administration of Fluvax in 2010, including correspondence to and from the former Minister for Health, Mr Paul Lucas;
4.  All correspondence between Queensland Health and the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing regarding Fluvax, including correspondence involving the relevant Ministers at the time, Mr Paul Lucas and Ms Nicola Roxon; and
5.  All documents relating to the suspension of the use of Fluvax in 2010.

 Application withdrawn.

The Department of Health is required to maintain a disclosure log in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009. Should you have any difficulty with downloading documents on this page or have any queries regarding the disclosure log, please contact the Privacy and Right to Information Unit, Department of Health (contact details below).

Privacy and Right to Information Unit
Department of Health
GPO Box 48
Brisbane  QLD  4001
(07) 3082 0546 (within Australia)
+61 7 3082 0546 (International)

Last updated: 5 September 2014