Health Professionals

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resources

Cultural capability resources for clinicians

Cultural capability refers to the ‘skills, knowledge and behaviours that are required to plan, support, improve and deliver services in a culturally respectful and appropriate manner’ (Queensland Health Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Capability Framework 2010-2033).

Cultural capability extends beyond particular knowledge and skills or an awareness of cultural differences. Cultural capability is tested at each new interaction with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities, acknowledging the cultural diversity between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, communities and across regions.

Cultural capability is a lifelong journey where clinicians strive towards the following:

  • Demonstrating authentic respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s way of knowing, being and doing in the context of history, culture, customs and beliefs.
  • Communication that is culturally safe and culturally sensitive, adopting a strengths based approach to build positive relationships and responding to the different language, verbal and non-verbal cues required in cross-cultural communication
  • Reflection of one’s own culture, values, attitudes, biases and privileges and how this impacts on our interactions with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities.

These resources have been designed to be used by health professionals working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients and communities. They can be used to support culturally appropriate practice but do not replace the importance of other learning models such as mentoring and engaging with Aboriginal Health Workers.

Cancer Care resources

Resources are designed to be used by health professionals

Cardiovascular disease

Resources are designed to be used by health professionals.
Approved nutrition education materials

Clinical Education

Resources are designed to be used by health professionals.
Approved nutrition education materials

Cultural competence resources for clinicians and their work units

Dietitians, nutritionists, and other health professionals who provide nutrition advice, can play an important role in supporting the health of individuals from different cultural backgrounds. Culturally responsive dietitians and nutritionists:

  • understand and reflect on their own culture and how it influences their work practices
  • provide culturally appropriate dietary advice
  • increase people’s understanding of how to shop for and prepare unfamiliar foods
  • address misconceptions about healthy eating in Australia
  • recognise and take action against activities that intentionally or unintentionally privilege some cultural groups and marginalise others.

To do this, individual health professionals providing nutrition advice need to develop cultural intelligence and operate in work units that are culturally safe and accessible to clients from all cultural backgrounds. This starts with self-awareness and an understanding that culture is pervasive; not something that defines individuals who do not have Anglo-Celtic Australian backgrounds as ‘other’. To assist you in providing culturally appropriate services, the following resources have been developed.

Cystic fibrosis

Resources are designed to be used by health professionals.
Approved nutrition education materials


Resources are designed to be used by health professionals.
Approved nutrition education materials

Eating Disorders

Resources are designed to be used by health professionals.

Facilitator Support

This page contains information for NEMO facilitators. If you wish to facilitate a new group or join an existing group, please contact the NEMO team.

Food service

Resources are designed to be used by health professionals


Resources are designed to be used by health professionals.
Approved nutrition education materials

General Resources

Resources are designed to be used by health professionals

Maternal health resources

Resources are designed to be used by health professionals

Nutrition Care Process Terminology

Resources are designed to be used by health professionals

Nutrition support resources

Resources are designed to be used by health professionals

Paediatric resources

Resources are designed to be used by health professionals

Promoting a healthy lifestyle

Resources are designed to be used by health professionals


Resources are designed to be used by health professionals

Texture modification

Resources are designed to be used by health professionals

These resources have been posted on the site for consultation feedback and are designed to be used by health professionals.  Please use these resources freely throughout the consultation phase.

For feedback, suggestions for further work or to participate in one of the working groups for further development of resources please contact us.

Weight control

Resources are designed to be used by health professionals

General National campaigns A Better Choice Health and Wellbeing Queensland Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Healthy food supply in schools, sport clubs and health care facilities A Better Choice
A Better Choice Strategy assists Queensland Health facilities to make changes to the foods and drinks supplied to staff, visitors and the general public.
Health and Wellbeing Queensland Patient  
Eating Disorders Evidenced-Based Practice Guidelines ANZAED Practice and Training Standards for Dietitians Providing Eating Disorder Treatment Journal of Eating Disorders Clinician  
Nutritional Support Enteral / Parenteral Considering a Gastrostomy Tube? NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Healthy eating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander guide to healthy eating Australian Government Patient  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Cultural capability Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander protocols when visiting hospital and health services
(Queensland Health staff only)  
Queensland Health Clinician welcome to country, traditional custodians, aboriginal, torres strait islander, protocals, cutlural capability
Food service Approved Materials Acute Hospital Foodservice Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire
Capra, S, Wright O, Sardie M, Bauer J, Askew D The acute hospital foodservice patient satisfaction questionnaire: the development of a valid and reliable tool to measure patient satisfaction with acute care hospital foodservices Foodservice Res Int 2010; 16, 1-14. 
Prof Sandra Capra Clinician  
Cultural competence resources for clinicians and their work units Food and cultural practices: community resources This suite of resources was created to support community nutritionists and other health and community workers when working with selected culturally and linguistically diverse communities. The profiles includes traditional greetings and etiquette, cultural information and migration history, health profile in Australia, traditional food and food practices, ways of effectively working with Somali community members, as well as other related resources. Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health Clinician  
Cultural competence resources for clinicians and their work units Food and cultural profiles: dietetic consultation guides This suite of resources was created to guide dietitian/nutritionists in providing culturally appropriate and effective services to people from a range of cultural backgrounds. Guides follow the ADIME format and follow the chronological steps in individual case management. Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health Clinician  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Good Start Fact Sheets (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities) Alcohol Good Start Program – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle General Population Alcohol
Alcohol is a drug that affects your body — how you think, feel and behave. Drinking too much can affect your health and disrupt your life. Learn about guidelines to reduce your risk. Find help to reduce your own drinking or support someone close to you.
Australian Government Patient  
Allergy Other Allergies Alcohol Allergy Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy Seafood Allergy Allergic and Toxic Reactions to Seafood Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy Useful Links Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia Allergy & Anaphylaix Australia Patient  
Allergy Useful Links Allergy 250K Allergy 250K Patient  
Allergy General Resources Allergy Testing Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy General Resources Allergy Testing Fast Facts Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Weight Control Approved Materials An Integrated Approach for Tackling Childhood Overweight and Obesity in Queensland 
It is the state’s first evidence-based paediatric framework for addressing the issue of overweight and obesity among children and young people. The document includes: Overview, Model of Care and Toolkit, with key resources and references that can be used by all clinicians across all levels of the health care system. 
Paediatric Obesity Working Group, Queensland Child and Youth Clinical Network. Patient  
Maternal Health Patient education resources Antenatal and infant feeding resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people NEMO Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander group Patient  
General Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants Antioxidants Better Health Channel, VIC State Government Patient  
Diabetes Carbohydrate counting Apps and websites for carbohydrate counting NEMO Diabetes Group Patient  
Diabetes Technology Apps and websites for carbohydrate counting NEMO Diabetes Group Patient  
Allergy General Resources ASCIA Dietary Avoidance FAQ Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Mental Health Action based resources Assessing a consumer's diet NEMO Mental Health Group Patient  
Allergy Useful Links Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
General Dietary guidelines Australian dietary guidelines Queensland Government Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle General Population Australian Dietary Guidelines provide advice on eating for health and wellbeing of infants, children and adults National Health and Medical Research Council and  Department of Health and Aging Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Children and adolescents Australian Infant Feeding Guidelines (Summary): assist health professionals in providing consistent advice to the general public about breastfeeding and infant feeding. National Health and Medical Research Council and Department of Health and Aging Clinician  
Cystic Fibrosis Evidence Based Guidelines Australian standards of care for Cystic Fibrosis related diabetes, Respirology (2013) Respirology Clinician cystic fibrosis, diabetes, guidelines, standards of care
General Physical activity resources Australia's physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines Department of Health, Australian Government Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle General Population Australia's physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines
Australia’s Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines and links to brochures, a summary fact sheet for each of the guidelines, tips and ideas for how to be physically active, as well as evidence review reports.
Australian Government Department of Health and Aging Patient  
Paediatrics Neurodivergent Autistic Spectrum Disorder - Food and children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder NEMO Paediatric group Patient nemo,ASD,austism,food,diet,texture,colour
Paediatrics Infant nutrition Baby's first foods Children's Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Children and adolescents Be active – kids and teenagers Resources, programs and facilities to encourage physical activity amongst kids and teenagers. Queensland Government Patient  
General Physical activity resources Be active resources Queensland Government Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle General Population Be active resources
Resources, programs and facilities to encourage physical activity for families, women and girls, kids and teenagers, seniors, people with disabilities and Indigenous people
Queensland Government Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Good Start to Life (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities) Be ready to have a baby Good Start Program – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
Mental Health References Better Health Channel. (2013). Food Safety – storage. Accessed 15 January 2016  Clinician  
Mental Health References Better Health Channel. (2018). Caffeine. Accessed 1st August 2019  Clinician  
Texture Modification Approved Materials Beyond the Blender

Griffiths University Master of Speech Pathology Students

Patient nemo,texture,modified,dysphagia,swallowing
Food service Approved Materials Beyond the Blender

Griffiths University Master of Speech Pathology Students

Patient nemo,texture,modified,dysphagia,swallowing,duplicate
General Approved Materials Blank meal plan NEMO General Nutrition Group Clinician  
Clinical Education Approved Materials Blank meal plan NEMO General Nutrition Group Clinician duplicate
Paediatrics Diabetes Blood glucose levels and exercise NEMO Paediatric Group Patient nemo; nutrition; children; kids; paediatrics; diet;diabetes;type1;carbohydrates;hypoglycaemia, low,BGL,blood,glucose,exercise
Cardiovascular disease Approved Materials Blood pressure and your health Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute Patient  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Cardiovascular disease Blood pressure and your health Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute Patient  
Cystic Fibrosis Approved Materials Bone health and Cystic Fibrosis NEMO Cystic Fibrosis Group Patient  
Mental Health NSAPs Bored (PDF, 39 KB) NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Good Start Fact Sheets (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities) Breastfeeding concerns Good Start Program – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Good Start to Life (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities) Breastfeeding is awesome Good Start Program – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Healthy babies: breastfeeding resources (for African communities) Breastfeeding your baby in Australia Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Healthy babies: breastfeeding resources (for African communities) Breastfeeding your baby in Australia Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Healthy babies: breastfeeding resources (for African communities) Breastfeeding your baby in Australia Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Healthy babies: breastfeeding resources (for African communities) Breastfeeding your baby in Australia – breast feeding and milk supply Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Healthy babies: breastfeeding resources (for African communities) Breastfeeding your baby in Australia – breast feeding if you are away from your baby Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health Patient  
Eating Disorders Support Services Butterfly Foundation Butterfly Foundation Clinician  
General Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants Calcium Osteoporosis Australia Patient  
Cancer Care Evidence Based Guidelines Cancer Guidelines Wiki
This resource provides links to Clinical Practice Guidelines on a range of aspects of cancer care including treatment, psychosocial care and management of side effects.
Cancer Council Australia Clinician Evidence based practice guidelines, nutritional management, cancer cachexia, evidence based guideline, nutritional management, chronic kidney disease
Cancer Care General Resources Cancer Related Lymphoedema and Diet NEMO Cancer Care Group Patient nemo,oncology,cancer,lymphoedema,nutrition
Diabetes Carbohydrate counting Carbohydrate awareness Diabetes Australia Patient  
Diabetes Carbohydrate counting Carbohydrate counting booklet Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute Patient  
Diabetes Carbohydrate counting Carbohydrate counting in grams Diabetes Australia Patient  
Diabetes Carbohydrate counting Carbohydrate counting using food labels NEMO Diabetes Group Patient nemo,carb,carbohydrate,counting,nutrition,calculate
Paediatrics Diabetes Carbohydrate free foods NEMO Paediatric group Patient  
Paediatrics Diabetes Carbohydrate Counter for Infants and Toddlers NEMO Paediatric group Patient  
Diabetes Approved Materials Carbohydrates and Glycaemic Index (GI) Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute Patient  
Mental Health NSAPs Cardiovascular disease (PDF, 36KB) NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Cancer Care General Resources Caring for your feeding tube at home
This video demonstrates how to give water flushes and syringe feeds via a feeding tube

Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Safety and Quality

Patient; Video  
Nutritional Support Enteral / Parenteral Caring for your feeding tube at home
This video demonstrates how to give water flushes and syringe feeds via a feeding tube
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Safety and Quality Patient  
Nutritional Support Enteral / Parenteral Caring for your gastrostomy tube NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient  
Cancer Care Prevention Causes and Prevention: Reduce your cancer risk
Simple lifestyle changes you can make to help reduce your risk of cancer.
Cancer Council NSW Patient prevent cancer, reduce, risk, smoking, sun smart, limiting alcohol, diet, exercise
Allergy Seafood Allergy Crustacean allergen card Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia Patient  
Eating Disorders Consumer Education Resources Centre For Clinical Interventions Centre for Clinical Interventions Clinician  
Cystic Fibrosis Approved Materials CF Bites: Snacks & Meal ideas for people with Cystic Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis Western Australia Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle General Population Choose Well Live Well
Guidelines promote healthy food and drink choices for remote area camp food services.
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland Patient  
Eating Disorders Evidenced-Based Practice Guidelines Clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of Eating Disorders Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANSCP) Clinician  
Allergy Other Allergies Coconut Allergy Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources COD-ED Support for Recovery From an Eating Disorder - Carer Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) Clinician  
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources COD-ED Community Flowchart for Dietitians working with Adults with an Eating Disorder
This pathway is relevant for health professionals and clients in Queensland
Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) Clinician  
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources COD-ED Community Nutrition Flowchart for Young Consumers (<18 years) with an Eating Disorder
This pathway is relevant for health professionals and clients in Queensland
Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) Clinician  
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources COD-ED Discharge Example Nutrition Plans – Summary Sheet Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) Clinician  
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources COD-ED Eating Disorder Community Meal Plan Template Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) Clinician NEMO, nutritional management Eating Disorders, COD-ED
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources COD-ED Eating Disorders and Vegan Diets – Consumer Resource Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) Clinician  
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources COD-ED Meal Plan: Example Nutrition Plan 1 – Maintenance Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) Clinician  
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources COD-ED Meal Plan: Example Nutrition Plan 2 – Repletion Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) Clinician  
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources COD-ED Negotiating Meal Plans with Eating Disorder Consumers in an Inpatient Setting Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) Clinician  
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources COD-ED Recovery Focused Dietetic Care for Mental Health Admission for Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) Clinician  
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources COD-ED Support for Recovery From an Eating Disorder – Consumer Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) Clinician  
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources COD-ED Eating Disorder Enteral Feeding Regimen – Medical Admission (Dairy and Fish Allergy)
For use by health professionals only
Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) Clinician  
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources COD-ED Eating Disorder Enteral Feeding Regimen – Medical Admission (Standard)
For use by health professionals only
Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) Clinician  
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources COD-ED Eating Disorder Nutrition Prescription: 06MJ Standard Meal Plan
For use by health professionals only
Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) Clinician  
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources COD-ED Eating Disorder Nutrition Prescription: 08MJ Standard Meal Plan
For use by health professionals only
Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) Clinician  
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources COD-ED Eating Disorder Nutrition Prescription: 10MJ Standard Meal Plan
For use by health professionals only
Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) Clinician  
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources COD-ED Eating Disorder Nutrition Prescription: 12MJ Standard Meal Plan
For use by health professionals only
Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) Clinician  
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources COD-ED Eating Disorder Oral Intake Record
For use by health professionals only
Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) Clinician  
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources COD-ED Eating Disorders and Vegan Diets – Clinician Factsheet Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) Clinician  
Paediatrics Gastroenterology Coeliac disease for children NEMO Paediatric Group Patient nemo,nutrition,children,kids,paediatrics,diet,coeliac,gluten,free
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Cultural capability Communicating effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people Queensland Health Clinician  
Cancer Care General Resources Complementary, alternative and integrative medicine during cancer treatment: A Clinician’s Guide NEMO Oncology Group Clinician nemo,oncology,cancer,supplement,supplements,complementary,alternative
Eating Disorders Support Services connect-ed Database of Credentialed Eating Disorder Clinicians connect-ed Clinician  
Eating Disorders Professional Development / Training connect-ed connect-ed Clinician  
Cancer Care Side effects Constipation during cancer treatment
This resource is aimed at managing constipation that may have been caused by cancer treatment or medications. 
eviQ Cancer Treatments Online Patient  
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Constipation: Managing different causes NEMO Oncology Group Patient  
Kidney Health Approved Materials Controlling fluid intake
This resource is for people with kidney disease who need to follow a fluid allowance or fluid restriction. Healthy kidneys remove extra fluid from the body. In kidney disease, a build-up of fluid can occur.
NEMO Kidney Group Patient  
Cardiovascular disease Approved Materials Controlling fluid intake in heart failure NEMO Cardiovascular Group Patient  
Cystic Fibrosis Approved Materials Cooking and recipe idea videos for people with Cystic Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis Western Australia Patient; Video  
Cancer Care General Resources COSA Nutrition Group
Suggested resources for clinicians and information about the COSA Nutrition Group and how to join. 
Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (COSA) Clinician  
Nutritional Support Approved Materials Cost saving meal tips NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient  
Allergy Milk Allergy Cow's Milk (Dairy) Allergy Fast Facts Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy Milk Allergy Cow's Milk Protein (Dairy) Allergy Dietary guide Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy Milk Allergy Cow's Milk Allergy Information Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy Soy Allergy Cow's Milk Protein (Dairy) and Soy Dietary Guide Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Crohn’s disease and exclusive enteral nutrition NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Mental Health References CSIRO. (2005). 12345 Food and Nutrition Plan. Accessed 7 October 2013  Clinician  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Cultural capability Cultural Responsiveness in Action: A framework
(must be ordered free from the organisation) 
Indigenous Allied Health Australia Clinician Professor Tom Calma AO, Indigenous Allied Health Australia , IAHA, Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, allied health, Cultural Responsiveness in Action,
Cystic Fibrosis Approved Materials Cystic Fibrosis and gene modulator therapy nutrition considerations NEMO Cystic Fibrosis Group Patient  
Cystic Fibrosis Approved Materials Cystic Fibrosis and high energy diet NEMO Cystic Fibrosis Group Patient  
Cystic Fibrosis Approved Materials Cystic Fibrosis and salt replacement therapy for adults NEMO Cystic Fibrosis Group Patient  
Cystic Fibrosis Approved Materials Cystic Fibrosis and sports nutrition NEMO Cystic Fibrosis Group Patient  
Cystic Fibrosis Approved Materials Cystic Fibrosis nutrition record NEMO Cystic Fibrosis Group Patient  
Cystic Fibrosis Approved Materials Cystic Fibrosis related diabetes NEMO Cystic Fibrosis Group Patient  
Cystic Fibrosis Approved Materials Cystic Fibrosis traveller's guide to nutrition, The NEMO Cystic Fibrosis Group Patient  
Eating Disorders Approved Materials DA
  1. Role of eating disorder dietitian, practice tips & resource list
  2. Supervision & mentoring
  3. Assessment
  4. Food monitoring diaries
  5. Effects of Eating Disorders
  6. Starvation, refeeding & metabolism
  7. Appetite & moving towards natural eating
  8. Other eating disorder resources
Dietitians Australia (DA) Clinician  
Diabetes Carbohydrate counting Daily meal guide (Introducing 10g carb portions) Diabetes Queensland Patient  
Diabetes Carbohydrate counting Daily meal guide (Introducing 15g carb portions) Diabetes Queensland Patient  
Diabetes Carbohydrate counting Daily Meal Guide (Introducing carb counting in grams) Diabetes Queensland Patient  
Mental Health References DE Hert M, Correll CU, Bobes J, Cetkovich-Bakmas M, Cohen D, Asai I, Detraux J, Gautam S, Möller HJ, Ndetei DM, Newcomer JW, Uwakwe R, Leucht S. (2011). Physical illness in patients with severe mental disorders. I. Prevalence, impact of medications and disparities in health care. World Psychiatry, 10(1):52-77.   Clinician  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Healthy eating Deadly Choices Good Quick Tukka Recipes Institute for Urban Indigenous Health Patient  
Mental Health Action based resources Diabetes NEMO Mental Health Group Patient  
Mental Health NSAPs Diabetes (PDF, 34KB) NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Mental Health References Diabetes Australia. (2012). Diabetes Information sheets. Accessed 3 July 2013  Clinician  
Maternal Health Patient education resources Diabetes in Pregnancy – Dietitian form Queensland Health Clinician  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Antenatal nutrition and infant feeding Diabetes in Pregnancy Videos Menzies – school of health research Patient  
Cancer Care Side effects Diarrhoea during cancer treatment
This resource has information about managing diarrhoea that may have been caused by cancer treatment or medications. 
eviQ Cancer Treatments Online Patient  
Stroke & Neurology Approved Materials Diet after stroke Stroke Foundation Patient  
Bariatric Surgery Approved Materials Diet After Bariatric Surgery – Overview

NEMO Bariatric Surgery Group

Patient Nemo,bariatric,surgery,overview
Bariatric Surgery Approved Materials Diet After Bariatric Surgery - Stage 1 Fluids NEMO Bariatric Surgery Group Patient


Bariatric Surgery Approved Materials Diet After Bariatric Surgery - Stage 2 Puree NEMO Bariatric Surgery Group Patient Nemo,bariatric,surgery,puree
Bariatric Surgery Approved Materials Diet After Bariatric Surgery - Stage 3 Soft NEMO Bariatric Surgery Group Patient Nemo,bariatric,surgery,soft
Bariatric Surgery Approved Materials

Diet After Bariatric Surgery - Stage 4 Solids

NEMO Bariatric Surgery Group Patient Nemo,bariatric,surgery,solids
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Diet and diverticular disease NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Paediatrics Gastroenterology Diet and lactose intolerance NEMO Paediatric Group Patients


Bariatric Surgery Approved Materials Diet before bariatric surgery - pre-op Very Low Energy Diet (VLED) NEMO Bariatric Surgery Group Patient nemo; nutrition; bariatric,surgery,preoperative,VLED,VLCD,diet.,Optifast
Cancer Care Side effects Diet following Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) of the digestive tract NEMO Cancer Care Group Patient nemo,gvhd,graft,oncology,bmt,transplant,bone,marrow
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Diet following insertion of upper gastrointestinal (GI) stent (PDF 85 kB) NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Bariatric Surgery Approved Materials Diet strategies for managing dumping syndrome after bariatric surgery NEMO Bariatric Surgery Group Patient nemo; bariatric; surgery; diet; dumping;syndrome
Allergy Approved Materials Dietary avoidance for food allergy Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient ASCIA, Dietary avoidance, food allergy
Paediatrics Allergy/intolerance Dietary avoidance for food allergy - information sheets Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology & Allergy (ASCIA) Patient ASCIA, Dietary avoidance, food allergy
Kidney Health Evidenced-Based Demand Management Toolkit Dietary Potassium Management in Chronic Kidney Disease RBWH Renal Dietitians Clinician Qld Health RBWH Renal Dietitians Evidenced Based Practice Review of Dietary Potassium Management in CKD 2022
Weight Control Approved Materials dieting cycle, the NEMO Weight Management Group Patient  
Eating Disorders Professional Development / Training Dietitian Supervision Resources Australia Dietitian Supervision Resources Australia Clinician  
Eating Disorders Consumer Education Resources Dietitians Australia - Eating Disorder Resources Dietitians Australia Clinician  
Kidney Health Approved Materials Dining out and takeaways for people with kidney disease NEMO Kidney Group Patient  
Paediatrics General nutrition Discharge template  NEMO Paediatric group Clinician  
Eating Disorders Evidenced-Based Practice Guidelines Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders in Children, Adolescents and Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Metro North Health Clinician  
Cystic Fibrosis Approved Materials Distal Intestinal Obstruction Syndrome and Cystic Fibrosis for Adults NEMO Cystic Fibrosis Group Patient  
General National campaigns Eat - Healthier. Happier. Queensland Government Patient Eat, Healthier, Happier
Cancer Care Side effects Eating advice during radiotherapy NEMO Cancer Care Group Patient nemo,radiotherapy,oncology,nutrition,eating,advice
Cancer Care Post Treatment Eating after radiotherapy to the head and neck area NEMO Cancer Care Group Patient  
Stroke & Neurology Approved Materials Eating and drinking with Motor Neurone Disease NEMO Stroke and Neurology Group Patient  
Eating Disorders Support Services Eating Disorders Queensland Eating Disorders Queensland (EDQ) is a state-wide community based non-profit organisation promoting positive body image and prevention of eating issues as well as offering supportive therapeutic options for people affecting by eating issues. Eating Disorders Queensland Clinician  
Eating Disorders Professional Development / Training EDQ - Shared Table (Carer Training Program) Eating Disorders Queensland Clinician  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Cardiovascular disease Eating for a healthy heart (focus on fats) Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute Patient  
Cardiovascular disease Approved Materials Eating for a healthy heart (focus on fats) Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute Patient  
Cardiovascular disease Approved Materials Eating for a healthy heart (healthy dietary patterns) NEMO Cardiovascular Group Patient  
Nutritional Support Approved Materials Eating for health, recovery and wellness
This video provides nutrition tips from patients and dietitians to support people in the post-acute/post-malnutrition phase. 
Queensland Health - Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service Patient; Video  
Kidney Health Approved Materials Eating on dialysis NEMO Kidney Group Patient  
Stroke & Neurology Approved Materials Eating to prevent another stroke
This video provides nutrition tips from patients and dietitians to support people in reducing their risk of having another stroke.
Queensland Health - Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service Patient; Video  
Kidney Health Approved Materials Eating Well after a Kidney Transplant NEMO Kidney Group Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Good Start to Life (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities) Eating well for a healthy baby Good Start Program – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
Nutritional Support Approved Materials Eating when it's harder to eat
This video provides nutrition tips from patients and dietitians to support people who are struggling to eat enough or are at risk of malnutrition/are malnourished.
Queensland Health - Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service Patient; Video  
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Eating with short bowel syndrome (small bowel removed with large bowel intact) NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Allergy Egg Allergy Egg Allergy Dietary guide Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy Egg Allergy Egg allergen card Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia Patient  
Gastroenterology Approved Materials

Elimination diet for eosinophilic oesophagitis in adults

NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Nutrition care process terminology Approved Materials eNCPT: Guide to Implementing the Nutrition Care Process
Information for Health Professionals 
Academy Nutrition and Dietetics Clinician  
Nutritional Support Enteral / Parenteral How to give medication through your feeding tube NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient  
Nutritional Support Enteral / Parenteral My tube feeding plan for home NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient  
Nutritional Support Enteral / Parenteral Tube feeding at home using a pump (continuous feeding) NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient  
Nutritional Support Enteral / Parenteral Tube feeding at home using gravity (container method) NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient  
Nutritional Support Enteral / Parenteral Tube feeding at home using gravity (syringe method) NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient  
Nutritional Support Enteral / Parenteral What you need to know about tube feeding at home NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient  
Allergy Other Allergies

Eosinophilic Oesophagitis (EoE) FAQ

Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Mental Health References Escott-Stump, S. (2007). Nutrition and diagnosis-related care (6th Ed). Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins: Philadelphia.   Clinician  
Mental Health References Escott-Stump, S. (2007). Nutrition and diagnosis-related care (6th Ed). Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins: Philadelphia.   Clinician  
Mental Health References Escott-Stump, S. (2007). Nutrition and diagnosis-related care (6th Ed). Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins: Philadelphia.   Clinician  
Mental Health References Escott-Stump, S. (2007). Nutrition and diagnosis-related care (6th Ed). Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins: Philadelphia.   Clinician  
Cystic Fibrosis Evidence Based Guidelines ESPEN-ESPGHAN-ECFS guidelines on nutrition care for infants, children, and adults with Cystic Fibrosis, Clinical Nutrition (2016) Elsevier Clinician  
Nutritional Support Nutrition assessment Estimating energy, protein & fluid requirements for adult clinical conditions (PDF, 111.19KB) NEMO Nutrition Support group Clinician  
Nutrition care process terminology Approved Materials Evaluating PES Statements NEMO Clinician  
Mental Health References Evans, S., Newton, R., & Higgins, S. (2005). Nutritional intervention to prevent weight gain in patients commenced on Olanzapine: A randomised controlled trial. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry,39: 479-486.   Clinician  
Cancer Care Evidence Based Guidelines Evidence based practice guidelines for the nutritional management of cancer cachexia. Nutrition & Dietetics, 63 (Suppl 2): S5-S32
Bauer, J. D., Ash, S., Davidson, W. L., Hill, J. M., Brown, T., Isenring, E. A. and Reeves, M. (2006) 
Nutrition & Dietetics Clinician  
Cystic Fibrosis Evidence Based Guidelines Evidence Based Practice Recommendations for Nutrition-Related Management of Children and Adults with Cystic Fibrosis and Pancreatic Insufficiency: Results of a Systematic Review, Journal of the American Dietetic Association (2008) PlumX Metrics Clinician Evidence-Based, Practice, Recommendations, Nutrition-Related, Children, Adults, Cystic Fibrosis, Pancreatic Insufficiency, Results, Systematic Review
Allergy General Resources Evidence-Based Versus Non-Evidence-Based Tests and Treatment for Allergic Disorders Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy Other Allergies Exercise Induced Anaphylaxis Allergy & Anaphylaix Australia Patient  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Cardiovascular disease Fast facts for a strong heart Apunipima Cape York Health Council Patient fat, facts, strong heart, good fats, bad fats
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Children and adolescents feedAustralia
Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing. Comment: A free online menu planning program designed to assist Early Childhood Education and Care services plan a healthier menu . Access is provided to many seasonal recipe ideas and sample menus. All menus are compliant with Australian Dietary Guidelines. There are options to modify for specific diets and food allergies. Tailored real-time feedback is provided. All electronic menus and recipes developed can be stored. A report can be generated to compare how the service menu meets food group recommendations compared to other services across Australia. This may be used for reporting and accreditation.
Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing Patient  
Mental Health References Ferguson M, Capra S, Bauer J, Banks. M. (1999). Development of a valid and reliable malnutrition screening tool for adult acute hospital patients. Nutrition, 15(6):458-64   Clinician  
General General health resources Increasing dietary fibre NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Increasing dietary fibre NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Paediatrics General nutrition Fibre for children NEMO Paediatric Group Patient nemo,paediatrics,children,fibre,gastrointestinal, nemo,children,paediatrics,fibre,bowels
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Good Start to Life (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities) First year of life Good Start Program – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
Allergy Fish Allergy Fish Allergy Dietary Guide Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy Fish Allergy Fish allergen card Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia Patient  
General Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants Folate Food Standards Australia New Zealand Patient  
Maternal Health Patient education resources Folate Food Standards Australia & New Zealand Clinician  
Food service Approved Materials Food Allergen Management in Foodservice – A Best Practice Guideline
In managing food allergies in health care foodservices there are overarching practices that are required as per the Food Standards Code (FSANZ) that will inform and support the process of identifying, assessing, managing and auditing the risk of food allergies in the food service. 
Statewide Foodservices, QLD Clinician  
Allergy Useful Links Food Allergy Education National Allergy Strategy Patient  
Allergy General Resources Food Allergy Fast Facts Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy General Resources Food Allergy FAQ Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy Approved Materials Food allergy information Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient Peanut, Tree Nut and Seed Allergy, Allergic and Toxic Reactions to Seafood, Coconut Allergy,  Cow's Milk (Dairy) Allergy, Dietary avoidance for food allergy, Food Allergen Challenges FAQ, Food Allergy , Food Allergy FAQs, Lupin Allergy
Paediatrics Allergy/intolerance Food allergy information  Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology & Allergy (ASCIA) Patient Peanut, Tree Nut and Seed Allergy, Allergic and Toxic Reactions to Seafood, Coconut Allergy,  Cow's Milk (Dairy) Allergy, Dietary avoidance for food allergy, Food Allergen Challenges FAQ, Food Allergy , Food Allergy FAQs, Lupin Allergy
Allergy General Resources Food Allergy Testing Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy Useful Links Food Allergy Training National Allergy Strategy Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Good Start to Life (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities) Food and drinks a growing baby needs Good Start Program – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
Clinical Education Approved Materials Food and fluid consumption chart Nutrition Support Group Clinician  
General Approved Materials Food and fluid consumption chart Nutrition Support Group Clinician duplicate
General COVID-19 resources Food and healthy eating during COVID-19

Queensland Government - Metro South Health

Patient covid, corona
Stroke & Neurology Approved Materials Food and nutrition
Video on health eating following stroke recovery.
Stroke Foundation Patient  
Clinical Education Approved Materials Food diary Nutrition Support Group Clinician  
General Approved Materials Food diary Nutrition Support Group Clinician duplicate
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Healthy food supply in schools, sport clubs and health care facilities Food for Sport
Food for Sport promotes healthy food and drink within amateur sports clubs across Queensland. The guidelines are part of the evidence-based Queensland Good Sports Healthy Eating program. Good Sports has a strong presence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
Queensland Government Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing Patient  
Allergy Food Intolerances Food Intolerances Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy Other Allergies Food Protein Induced Allergic Proctocolitis (FPIAP) Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy Other Allergies Food Protein-Induced Enterocloitis Syndrome (FPIES) FAQ Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Mental Health Approved Materials Food safety NEMO Mental Health & NEMO Cancer Care Groups  Patient Safe eating, food safety, cancer, immune, immunosuppression, immunosuppressed, low listeria NEMO,dietsheet,factsheet,diet,nutrition,food,hygiene,mental,health
Cancer Care General Resources Food safety NEMO Mental Health & NEMO Cancer Care Groups Patient Safe eating, food safety, cancer, immune, immunosuppression, immunosuppressed, low listeria NEMO,dietsheet,factsheet,diet,nutrition,food,hygiene,mental,health
Cancer Care General Resources Food Safety Guidelines
This video demonstrates general food safety practices and special considerations for those undergoing cancer treatment. 
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Safety and Quality Patient; Video  
Maternal Health Patient education resources Food safety (including listeria) Food Standards Australia & New Zealand Clinician  
Mental Health References Food Safety Information Council. Food safety tips. Accessed 15 January 2016  Clinician  
Mental Health References Food Safety Information Council. Shopping and storage food safety. Accessed 15 January 2016  Clinician  
Mental Health References Food Safety Information Council. Temperature danger zone - keep hot food hot and cold food cold. Accessed 15 January 2016  Clinician  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Approved Materials Food Sensations Comments: Food Sensations is an evidence-based healthy eating and cooking program for all people in WA. It aims to improve awareness of and access to affordable healthy nutrition. Foodbank Western Australia Clinician Promoting, healthy, lifestyle, cooking, health promotion, nutrition, nemo, nutritionist, public health, community, health, recipes
Food service Approved Materials Food service health promotion guides
Healthy food supply in schools, sport clubs and health care facilities 
NEMO Health Promotion Clinician  
Food service Approved Materials Food Service Video Training Series - An introduction to Meals and Menus in Queensland Health These short videos are designed to provide basic nutrition information for non-dietetic staff within Queensland Health (e.g. food service officers, dietetic assistants, nursing). Access to QH intranet required. Nutrition and Dietetics, Townsville Hospital Clinician  
Food service Approved Materials Food Service Video Training Series - Kidney Disease and Renal Diets These short videos are designed to provide basic nutrition information for non-dietetic staff within Queensland Health (e.g. food service officers, dietetic assistants, nursing). Access to QH intranet required. Nutrition and Dietetics, Townsville Hospital Clinician  
Food service Approved Materials Food Service Video Training Series - Menu modification These short videos are designed to provide basic nutrition information for non-dietetic staff within Queensland Health (e.g. food service officers, dietetic assistants, nursing). Access to QH intranet required. Nutrition and Dietetics, Townsville Hospital Clinician  
Food service Approved Materials Food Service Video Training Series - Texture Modification These short videos are designed to provide basic nutrition information for non-dietetic staff within Queensland Health (e.g. food service officers, dietetic assistants, nursing). Access to QH intranet required. Nutrition and Dietetics, Townsville Hospital Clinician  
Food service Approved Materials Food Service Video Training Series  – Malnutrition These short videos are designed to provide basic nutrition information for non-dietetic staff within Queensland Health (e.g. food service officers, dietetic assistants, nursing). Access to QH intranet required. Nutrition and Dietetics, Townsville Hospital Clinician  
Mental Health References Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (2002). Preparing and cooking food. Accessed 15 January 2016  Clinician  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle General Population Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)
has a wide range of information on the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
Food Standards Australia New Zealand Patient  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Healthy weight Food tips for being a healthy weight Apunipima Cape York Health Council Patient food, tips, healthy weights, 
Mental Health References Foodcents. (2008). The 10-plan shopping guide. Accessed 30 August October 2013  Clinician  
General General health resources Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) NSW Government Emergency Care Institute Patient  
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Gastroparesis or delayed gastric emptying NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Nutritional Support Enteral / Parenteral Introduction to Gastrostomy Tubes: Making the decision video Queensland Health - Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Patient; Video  
Maternal Health Patient education resources GDM Webinar Translation
Instructions for the GDM webinars for the user to access translated subtitles
NEMO Maternal Health Group Patient nemo,pregnancy,gestational diabetes,GDM,carbohydrates,meal plan,
Maternal Health Patient education resources GDM Webinar 1: What is GDM and why carbohydrate matters RBWH Nutrition and Dietetics Patient; Video  
Maternal Health Patient education resources GDM Webinar 2: Counting your carbohydrates RBWH Nutrition and Dietetics Patient; Video  
Maternal Health Patient education resources GDM Webinar 3: Glycemic index, healthy eating and activity in pregnancy RBWH Nutrition and Dietetics Patient; Video  
Cystic Fibrosis Approved Materials General CF Nutrition for Adults Cystic Fibrosis Western Australia Patient  
General Approved Materials General discharge report Nutrition Support Group Clinician  
Clinical Education Approved Materials General discharge report Nutrition Support Group Clinician duplicate
Clinical Education Approved Materials General discharge report (with barcode for QLD Health sites) Nutrition Support Group Clinician handover
General Approved Materials General discharge report (with barcode for QLD Health sites) Nutrition Support Group Clinician handover,duplicate
Maternal Health Patient education resources Gestation Diabetes – Sample Meal Plan NEMO Maternal Health Group Patient nemo,pregnancy,gestational diabetes,GDM,carbohydrates,meal plan, 
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Good Start Fact Sheets (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities) Gestational diabetes Good Start Program – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
Maternal Health Patient education resources Healthy eating for gestational diabetes booklet NEMO Maternal Health Group Patient  
Maternal Health Clinician resources Gestational Diabetes Mellitus eLearning Series Queensland Health Clinician  
Maternal Health Patient education resources Gestational Diabetes: caring for yourself and your baby (NDSS booklet) NEMO Maternal Health Group Patient  
Maternal Health Patient education resources Gestational Diabetes Presentation NEMO Maternal Health Group Clinician Gestational diabetes, nutrition, pregnancy, diabetes
Weight Control Approved Materials Getting started: guidelines for shaping up NEMO Weight Management Group Patient  
Kidney Health Approved Materials Getting the right amount of protein NEMO Kidney Group Patient  
Cancer Care General Resources Getting the Right Amount of Protein
This resource explains why we need to eat protein. It shows the protein content of common foods to help you reach your protein goal.
NEMO Cancer Care Group Patient nemo,oncology,cancer,protein,nutrition,malnutrition
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Gluten free diet for coeliac disease NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient nemo,coeliac,gluten,free,sprue,diet
Mental Health Action based resources Glycaemic Index NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Paediatrics Diabetes Glycaemic index of foods NEMO Paediatric Group Patient  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Diabetes Good food for your sugars Apunipima Cape York Health Council Patient  
Diabetes Healthy eating Good food for your sugars Apunipima Cape York Health Council Patient  
Paediatrics Nutrition support Good nutrition for children with cancer NEMO Paediatric group Patient  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Healthy eating Good Quick Tukka Facilitator Manual – cooking Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Healthy food supply in schools, sport clubs and health care facilities Good Sports
Good Sports Healthy Eating is a program designed to give your club a head start. Helping people access healthy food isn’t just a huge win for the community and individuals; it can be a huge boost on game day.
Good Sports, on behalf of the Alcohol and Drug Foundation Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Good Start Fact Sheets (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities) Good Start Kai: Good Start Program – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
Maternal Health Patient education resources Good Start to Life (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities)
  • Be ready to have a baby (Booklet 1)
  • Healthy pregnancy. Healthy Baby (Booklet 2)
  • First year of life (Booklet 3)
  • Healthy kids (Booklet 4)
  • Eating well for a healthy baby (poster)
  • Breastfeeding is awesome (poster)
  • Food and drinks a growing baby needs (poster)
The Good Start to Life suite of resources promotes optimal maternal and infant nutrition for Maori and Pacific Islander families while including physical activity and other health related practices. These resources were developed through extensive consultation with local community members.
Good Start Program – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
General General health resources Gout NEMO General Nutrition Group Patient  
Weight Control Approved Materials Growing Good Habits - families/consumers Children’s Health Queensland HHS Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Children and adolescents Growing Good Habits - families/consumers
Growing good habits is about giving Queensland children the best start in life. Small changes to eating and physical activity habits today will give them the best chance of a healthier tomorrow. 
Children’s Health Queensland HHS Patient  
Weight Control Approved Materials Growing Good Habits - Health Professionals section 
This is the dedicated health professionals section of the Growing Good Habits website, which has been developed in collaboration with the Preventive Health Branch. This section provides an online hub for the most up-to-date and evidence-based information, resources and tools, and research.
Children’s Health Queensland HHS Clinician  
Paediatrics General nutrition Growing Good Habits - Health Professionals section
This is the dedicated health professionals section of the Growing Good Habits website, which has been developed in collaboration with the Preventive Health Branch. This section provides an online hub for the most up-to-date and evidence-based information, resources and tools, and research 
Children’s Health Queensland HHS Clinician  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Children and adolescents Growing Good Habits - Health Professionals section
This is the dedicated health professionals section of the Growing Good Habits website, which has been developed in collaboration with the Preventive Health Branch. This section provides an online hub for the most up-to-date and evidence-based information, resources and tools, and research.
Children’s Health Queensland HHS Clinician  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Paediatric nutrition Growing Strong Queensland Government Patient  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Antenatal nutrition and infant feeding Growing Strong Queensland Health Patient  
Paediatrics Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Growing Strong Queensland Health Patient  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Antenatal nutrition and infant feeding Healthy eating for breastfeeding mums Apunipima Cape York Health Council Patient  
Paediatrics Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Healthy eating for breastfeeding mums Apunipima Cape York Health Council Patient  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Antenatal nutrition and infant feeding Healthy eating for pregnant mums Apunipima Cape York Health Council Patient  
Paediatrics Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Healthy eating for pregnant mums Apunipima Cape York Health Council Patient  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Food safety Growing strong: Keeping food safe Queensland Government Patient  
Nutritional Support Nutrition Screening Guide to identifying and diagnosing malnutrition
This resource provides health professionals with guidance about identifying, assessing and diagnosing malnutrition in adults.
Qld Health Malnutrition Community of Practice Clinician  
Paediatrics Fussy eaters - Fun not fuss with food Guidelines for fussy eating NEMO Paediatric Group Patient nemo,paediatrics,children,fussy,eating,food
Cystic Fibrosis Evidence Based Guidelines Guidelines for the management of pregnancy in women with Cystic Fibrosis, Journal of Cystic Fibrosis (2008) Elsevier Clinician  
Mental Health References Harsha, D.W., Lin, P.H., Obarzanek, E., Karanja, N.M., Moore, T.J., & Caballero, B.(1999). Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension: a summary of study results. DASH Collaborative Research Group. J Am Diet Assoc. 99(8 Suppl):S35-9.   Clinician  
Cancer Care General Resources Head and Neck Cancer Australia Resources
The Head and Neck Cancer Australia website hosts a comprehensive library of information sheets, animations, videos and podcasts developed and regularly updated by leading Head and Neck Cancer clinicians across Australia and New Zealand with the input of patients and carers.
Head and Neck Cancer Australia Patient  
Cancer Care Evidence Based Guidelines Head and Neck Guideline Steering Committe. Evidence based practice guidelines for the nutritional management of adult patients with head and neck cancer Sydney Cancer Council Australia Clinician Access, evidence-based, practice guidelines, nutritional management, adult patients, head cancer, neck cancer
Cancer Care General Resources Health eating and breast cancer Breast Cancer Network Australia Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle General Population Healthier. Happier. Healthy Families Queensland Health Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle General Population Healthier. Happier recipes Queensland Government Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle General Population Healthier. Happier. Campaign focuses on five key messages:
  • Add fruit and vegetables to your meals
  • Have smaller portion sizes
  • Cut back on sugary drinks
  • Choose healthier options when eating out
  • Less sitting and move more.
Includes a broad range of nutrition information, including kJ calculator, Health & Fitness Age calculator, healthy recipes, grow local guide, physical activity videos and searchable facts on nutrition, portion size, kilojoules, weight and physical activity.
Queensland Government Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle General Population Work health and wellbeing
The Work health and wellbeing toolkit is designed to assist businesses to improve business systems that influence work health and wellbeing.
Queensland Government Patient  
Stroke & Neurology Approved Materials Healthy eating after stroke – aphasia friendly Stroke Foundation Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Other target groups Healthy eating and living guide for people with low literacy
Healthy eating and living guide for people with low literacy. For printed copies, please direct requests to Centacare NQ
ARC Disability Services and Centacare Northern Queensland Patient  
Diabetes Healthy eating Healthy eating and type 2 diabetes NEMO Diabetes Group Patient  
Paediatrics General nutrition Healthy eating and weight control in children NEMO Paediatric Group  Patient  
Cystic Fibrosis Approved Materials Healthy eating and weight gain during pregnancy NEMO Cystic Fibrosis Group Patient  
Maternal Health Patient education resources Healthy eating and weight gain during pregnancy NEMO Maternal Health Group Patient  
Maternal Health Patient education resources Healthy eating for breastfeeding mothers NEMO Maternal Health Group Patient  
Kidney Health Approved Materials Healthy eating for haemodialysis NEMO Kidney Group Patient  
Kidney Health Approved Materials Healthy eating for peritoneal dialysis NEMO Kidney Group Patient  
Paediatrics General nutrition Healthy eating for toddlers NEMO Paediatric group Patient nemo,paediatrics,children,toddler,healthy,eating,nutrition
Maternal Health Patient education resources Healthy eating for vegetarian or vegan pregnant and breastfeeding mothers NEMO Maternal Health group Patient  
Mental Health General Healthy eating in supported accommodation toolkit: A best practice guide
The toolkit contains practical information for supported accommodation providers. It can also be used by clinicians working with people living with a mental illness and/or intellectual disability. 
Queensland Health Clinician  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Other target groups Healthy eating in supported accommodation toolkit
The ‘Healthy eating in supported accommodation toolkit: A best practice guide’ was designed for supported accommodation providers, it can also be used by clinicians working with people living with a mental illness and/or intellectual disability.
Metro South Hospital and Health Service Patient  
Weight Control Approved Materials Healthy eating out, takeaway and convenience meals NEMO Weight Management Group Patient  
Kidney Health Approved Materials Healthy eating when you have high potassium levels NEMO Kidney Group Patient  
Paediatrics Renal Healthy eating when you have high potassium levels 
This resource has been developed for adults to help manage high potassium levels. It can be adapted by your dietitian to be suitable for paediatrics.
NEMO Kidney Group Patient  
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Healthy eating with a colostomy NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Healthy eating with an ileostomy and output management NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Paediatrics General nutrition Healthy fats for children NEMO Paediatric Group Patient nemo,children,paediatrics,fats,nutrition
Promoting a healthy lifestyle General Population Healthy Food Access Basket Survey measures the cost and availability of a standard basket of healthy food items in Queensland. Reports are available for 2006-2014 as well as a comparison of the Healthy Food Access Basket 2006 to 2014 Queensland Health Clinician  
Cardiovascular disease Approved Materials Cardiac Rehabilitation Talk – Eating for a healthy heart
45min presentation developed for the cardiac rehabilitation program broadly covering healthy heart eating principles. 
NEMO Cardiovascular Group Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Good Start Fact Sheets (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities) Healthy kai during pregnancy Good Start Program – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Good Start to Life (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities) Healthy kids Good Start Program – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Good Start to Life (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities) Healthy pregnancy. Healthy Baby Good Start Program – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
Mental Health Action based resources Healthy shopping on a budget NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Children and adolescents Healthy Start to School Kit
A healthy start to school has been developed to help schools and staff working in the early childhood setting and outside school hours care services support families to provide healthy eating choices to their children when starting school.
Queensland Government Department of Education and Training Patient  
Mental Health Approved Materials Healthy takeaway guide NEMO Mental Health Group Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Good Start Fact Sheets (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities) Healthy teeth Good Start Program – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Healthy food supply in schools, sport clubs and health care facilities Healthy Tuckshop Support Program
Healthy Tuckshop support program supports school tuckshops to provide healthy, fresh foods and drinks that meet the Smart Choices Healthy Food and Drink Supply Strategy across Queensland.
Queensland Association of School Tuckshops Inc and Queensland Government Patient  
Weight Control Approved Materials Healthy weight resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people NEMO Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Group Patient  
Cardiovascular disease Approved Materials Heart Failure Nutrition Talk – Eating for heart health
45min presentation developed for patients with heart failure covering healthy heart eating principles and tailored heart failure recommendations 
NEMO Cardiovascular Group Patient  
Cardiovascular disease Approved Materials Heart Foundation website Heart Foundation Patient  
Mental Health References Heart Foundation. (2009). Dietary Fats and Heart Disease factsheet. Accessed 21 July 2013  Clinician  
Mental Health References Heart Foundation. (2010). Guide to management of hypertension 2008, Updated 2010. Accessed 11 August 2013  Clinician  
Mental Health Action based resources Heart health NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Good Start Fact Sheets (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities) Heartburn Good Start Program – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
Mental Health References Hepatitis Australia. (2010). Hepatitis C: Guide to Healthy Living. Accessed 21 August 2013  Clinician  
Mental Health Action based resources Hepatitis C NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Mental Health References Hepatitis Council of Queensland Inc. (2011). Factsheet 06  What is a healthy diet for people with Hepatitis? Accessed 25 August 2013  Clinician  
Paediatrics Nutrition support High energy and protein eating plan for infants (6-12 months of age) NEMO Paediatric Group Patient High energy, high protein, infants
Kidney Health Approved Materials High energy eating and advanced kidney disease NEMO Kidney Group Patient  
Nutritional Support Approved Materials High Energy High Protein Recipes and Meal Ideas for Texture Modified Diets NEMO Texture Modification Group Patient  
Nutritional Support Approved Materials High protein high energy eating in hospital NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient  
Texture Modification Approved Materials High Energy High Protein Recipes and Meal Ideas for Texture Modified Diets NEMO Texture Modification Group Patient Nemo, thickened fluids, texture modification, thick, drink, puree, minced moist, soft and bite sized, IDDSI
Cardiovascular disease Approved Materials Heart friendly high protein high energy (HPHE) diet NEMO Cardiovascular Group Patient  
Nutritional Support Approved Materials High protein high energy ways to gain weight Part 2 (video clip) - full internet access required Queensland Health – Princess Alexandra Hospital Patient; Video  
Nutritional Support Approved Materials High protein high energy ways to gain  weight Part 1 (video clip) - full internet access required Queensland Health – Princess Alexandra Hospital Patient; Video  
Paediatrics Nutrition support High protein, high energy diet for children and adolescents NEMO Paediatric Group Patient nemo_fussyeating_2020.pdf
Mental Health NSAPs High protein/energy drinks (PDF, 36KB) (patient handout) NEMO Nutrition Support Group Clinician  
Mental Health NSAPs High protein/energy food and snacks (PDF, 61KB) (patient handout) NEMO Nutrition Support and Cancer Care Groups Clinician nemo,sugar,carbohydrate,cancer,nutrition
Nutritional Support Approved Materials High Protein High Energy diet NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient nemo,sugar,carbohydrate,cancer,nutrition
Nutritional Support Approved Materials Vegan high protein high energy diet NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient  
Nutritional Support Approved Materials High protein/high energy diet for vegetarians NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient  
Cystic Fibrosis Approved Materials High protein/high energy diet for vegetarians NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient duplicate
Nutritional Support Approved Materials High protein/high energy drinks NEMO Cancer Care and Nutrition Support Groups Patient  
Nutritional Support Approved Materials High protein/high energy eating and diabetes NEMO Cancer Care and Nutrition Support Groups Patient  
Diabetes General resources High protein/high energy eating and diabetes NEMO Cancer Care and Nutrition Support Groups Patient  
Cancer Care Side effects High protein/high energy eating and diabetes NEMO Cancer Care and Nutrition Support Groups Patient  
Cystic Fibrosis Approved Materials High protein/high energy plant-based alternatives NEMO Cystic Fibrosis Group Patient  
Nutritional Support Approved Materials High protein/high energy recipes NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient  
Nutritional Support Approved Materials Home meal and grocery delivery options NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Good Start Fact Sheets (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities) How to breastfeed Good Start Program – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
Cultural competence resources for clinicians and their work units General Resources How to choose culturally appropriate education resources: a guide for dietitians and nutritionists
This resource includes: Characteristics of culturally appropriate food and nutrition resources Characteristics of culturally inappropriate resources A tool to review resources What to do if no culturally appropriate resources are available. 
Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health Clinician  
Allergy General Resources How to Introduce solids foods to babies for allergy prevention Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Paediatrics General nutrition How to Make Every Bite Count Meat and Livestock Australia Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle General Population How to understand food labels
This resource provides information on how to read and understand nutrition information panels, ingredients lists and nutrition claims on packaged foods..
National Health and Medical Research Council and Department of Health Patient  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Antenatal nutrition and infant feeding How your body works – gestational diabetes Queensland Government; Diabetes QLD Patient  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Diabetes How your body works – gestational diabetes Queensland Government; Diabetes QLD Patient  
Weight Control Approved Materials Hunger level scale, the NEMO Weight Management Group Patient  
Mental Health Action based resources Hypertension NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Mental Health NSAPs Hypertension (PDF, 46KB) NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Diabetes Hypoglycaemia management Hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose) Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute Patient nemo; nutrition; children; kids; paediatrics; diet;diabetes;type1;carbohydrates;hypoglycaemia, low,BGL,blood,glucose
Cancer Care Prevention iHeard Cancer Myths and Facts
iHeard has been created to dispel stories, rumours and fanciful claims about cancer. Our aim is to give you accurate, evidence-based answers to your cancer questions.
Cancer Council Australia Patient  
Kidney Health Approved Materials Implications for Australasian dietitians regarding the 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nutrition in Chronic Kidney Disease
New guidelines have been published for nutrition in CKD and supersede previous dietetic guidance. This resource highlights 11 important changes to the dietary management of CKD that Australasian dietitians need to be aware of.
NEMO Kidney Group Clinician  
Weight Control Approved Materials Importance of sleep for a healthy lifestyle NEMO Weight Management Group Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle General Population Importance of sleep for a healthy lifestyle QH NEMO Weight management Group Patient  
Mental Health NSAPs Increased appetite/overeating NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Mental Health Action based resources Increased appetite/overeating NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Eating Disorders Professional Development / Training Inside Out Inside Out Clinician  
Paediatrics Allergy/intolerance Information about other adverse reactions in foods Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology & Allergy (ASCIA) Patient Eosinophilic oesophagitis, Food intolerance, Food protein induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES), Milk, mucus and cough
Food service Approved Materials International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) Clinician  
Paediatrics Cystic Fibrosis Introducing solids for infants with Cystic Fibrosis

NEMO Paediatric Group



Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Healthy babies: introduction to solids (for African communities) Introducing solids to your baby Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health Patient  
Mental Health General Introduction to the NEMO/MHIG website
A training PowerPoint to assist dietitians introduce and train their colleagues to use the NEMO mental health resources. 
Queensland Health Clinician  
General Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants Iodine Better Health Channel, VIC State Government Patient  
General Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants Iron NEMO General Nutrition Group Patient  
Paediatrics General nutrition Iron for children NEMO Paediatric group Patient nemo,paediatrics,children,iron,deficiency
Maternal Health Patient education resources Iron for pregnant women NEMO Maternal Health group Patient  
Kidney Health Approved Materials KDOQI Clinical Practice Guideline for Nutrition in CKD: 2020 Update
The 2020 update to the KDOQI Clinical Practice Guideline for Nutrition in CKD provides comprehensive up-to-date information on the understanding and care of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). 
NEMO Kidney Group Clinician  
Maternal Health Patient education resources Keeping Healthy with Gestational Diabetes (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities)
This resource was developed through extensive consultation with local community members 
Access and Capacity-building Team, Metro South HHS Patient  
Kidney Health Approved Materials Kidney stones NEMO Kidney Group Patient  
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Lactose intolerance NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Allergy Other Allergies Latex Allergy Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Children and adolescents LEAPS (Learning, eating, active play) resources
Resources for early years educators focused on integrating the National Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for Early Childhood Guidelines into daily activities in childcare and other early childhood education and care services (scroll down to bottom of page to access free resources)
NAQ Nutrition Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Children and adolescents LEAPS (Learning, eating, active play) training
Online professional development for early years educators focused on integrating the National Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for Early Childhood Guidelines into daily activities in childcare and other early childhood education and care services.
NAQ Nutrition Patient  
Food service Approved Materials Level 1 - Slightly Thick Fluids International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) Patient nemo; IDDSI; thick;fluids;thickened;slightly;level1
Food service Approved Materials Level 2 – Mildly Thick Fluids International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) Patient nemo; IDDSI; thick;fluids;thickened;mildly;level2
Food service Approved Materials Level 3 - Moderately Thick Fluids International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) Patient nemo; IDDSI; thick;fluids;thickened;moderately;level3
Food service Approved Materials Level 4 – Extremely Thick Fluids International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) Patient nemo; IDDSI; thick;fluids;thickened;extremely;level4
Mental Health NSAPs Limited budgeting skills (PDF, 47KB) NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Mental Health NSAPs Limited cooking skills (patient handout) NHMRC Clinician  
Mental Health NSAPs Limited food hygiene knowledge (PDF, 32KB) NEMO Mental Health & NEMO Cancer Care Clinician NEMO,dietsheet,factsheet,diet,nutrition,food,hygiene,mental,health NEMO,dietsheet,factsheet,diet,nutrition,food,hygiene,mental,health
Cancer Care Post Treatment Living well after cancer Cancer Council NSW Patient  
Nutritional Support Approved Materials Loss of appetite NEMO Cancer Care Group Patient "nemo,low,small,appetite,loss"
Cancer Care Side effects Loss of appetite NEMO Cancer Care Group Patient "nemo,low,small,appetite,loss"
Diabetes Healthy eating Low carbohydrate food ideas NEMO Diabetes Group Patient  
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Low fat diet NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Low fibre diet NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Mental Health NSAPs Low income NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Kidney Health Kidney Health Presentation Low Salt Practical Workshop for People with CKD
This workshop is designed to reduce the dietary sodium intake of CKD patients who identify at risk of high salt intake, as per the SSQ-SF (on NEMO). This workshop (runs for 90mins) includes a powerpoint and worksheet, and requires NEMO patient education resources ‘Simple Swaps to eat less salt’ and ‘Low Salt diet’. 
RBWH Dietitians and Chronic Kidney Team Clinician  
Kidney Health Kidney Health Presentation Low Salt Practical Worksheet for People with CKD
Worksheet to be used for the "Low Salt Practical Workshop for People with CKD", which aims to reduce the salt intake of consumers. Worksheet to be completed by consumers.
RBWH Dietitians and Chronic Kidney Team Clinician  
Mental Health Approved Materials Low Tyramine Diet (Low Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI) Diet NEMO Cancer Care Group and NEMO Mental Health Group Patient nemo,tyramine,MAOI,nutrition,procarbazine,oncology
Cancer Care Side effects Low Tyramine Diet
This resource is for those that take certain medications called mono-amine oxidase inhibitors
NEMO Cancer Care Group and NEMO Mental Health Group Patient nemo,tyramine,MAOI,nutrition,procarbazine,oncology
Allergy Other Allergies Lupin Allergy Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy Other Allergies Lupin allergen card Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia Patient  
Nutritional Support Nutrition Screening Malnutrition action flowchart Banks, M Clinician  
Nutritional Support Nutrition Screening Malnutrition screening tool (MST) Ferguson M, Capra S, Bauer J, Banks M 1999 Clinician  
Nutritional Support Nutrition Screening Malnutrition universal screening tool (MUST)
See Bapen for further information on the tool.
Malnutrition Advisory Group, BAPEN.  2003 Clinician malnutrition, screening, tool, obese, undernutrition
Allergy Other Allergies Mammalian meat allergy (from tick bite) Allergy & Anaphylaix Australia Patient  
Allergy Other Allergies Mammalian meat allergy (from tick bite) allergen card Allergy & Anaphylaix Australia Patient  
Allergy Other Allergies Mammalian Meat and Tick Allergy Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy General Resources Managing cross contamination with food allergies NEMO Allergy Group Patient  
Allergy General Resources Management of Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS) NEMO Allergy Group Patient  
Cancer Care General Resources Managing Diarrhoea with a NET Unicorn Foundation Clinician  
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Managing Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Maternal Health Patient education resources Managing morning sickness NEMO Maternal Health Group Patient  
Culturally tailored translated resources Samoan clinical dietetic resources for renal failure and heart disease Masima (salt) information for people with heart disease Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health in partnership with Logan Hospital dietitians Patient  
Culturally tailored translated resources Samoan clinical dietetic resources for renal failure and heart disease Masima (salt) information for people with heart disease (translated) Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health in partnership with Logan Hospital dietitians Patient  
Culturally tailored translated resources Samoan clinical dietetic resources for renal failure and heart disease Masima (salt) information for people with kidney disease Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health in partnership with Logan Hospital dietitians Patient  
Culturally tailored translated resources Samoan clinical dietetic resources for renal failure and heart disease Masima (salt) information for people with kidney disease (translated) Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health in partnership with Logan Hospital dietitians Patient  
Weight Control Approved Materials Meal planning and preparation for healthy eating at home NEMO Weight Management Group Patient  
Food service Approved Materials Meal Quality Audit Tool
Banks M, Hannan-Jones M, Ross L, Buckley A, Ellick J, Young A. Measuring the quality of hospital food services: Development and reliability of a Meal Quality Audit Tool. Nutrition and Dietetics 2017; 74: 147-57
Dr Merrilyn Banks Clinician  
Mental Health References Measure Up. Australian Government. (2009). How do I measure myself? Accessed 28 July 2013  Clinician  
Cardiovascular disease Approved Materials Mediterranean-style diet NEMO Cardiovascular Group Patient  
Kidney Health Approved Materials Mediterranean-style diet NEMO Cardiovascular Group Patient  
Maternal Health Patient education resources Mercury Food Standards Australia & New Zealand Clinician  
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease (MAFLD) NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Allergy Milk Allergy Milk (dairy) allergen card Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia Patient  
Texture Modification Approved Materials Minced and Moist Diet (IDDSI Level 5) NEMO Texture Modification Group Patient Nemo, texture modification, minced and moist, IDDSI
Nutritional Support Nutrition assessment Mini nutritional assessment (MNA)
See the MNA Elderly site for further information on the tool. 
Guigoz Y et al.  1994 Clinician  
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Modified fibre diet for the prevention of bowel obstruction (PDF 721 kB) NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  nemo,gastro,bowel,obstruction,SBO,LBO,stricture,fibre,fiber,modified,diet,residue
Allergy Seafood Allergy Mollusc allergen card Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Good Start Fact Sheets (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities) Morning sickness Good Start Program – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
General Physical activity resources Move - Healther. Happier. Queensland Government Patient Move, Healthier, Happier
Promoting a healthy lifestyle General Population Move - Healthier. Happier Queensland Government Patient  
Stroke & Neurology Approved Materials myTube: Feeding in MND
Learning about tube feeding in MND/ALS 
University of Sheffield Patient  
Eating Disorders Support Services National Eating Disorder Collaboration (NEDC)
NEDC has developed a range of professional resources to support the prevention, identification, medical management and referral of patients with Eating Disorders. 
National Eating Disorder Collaboration (NEDC) Clinician  
Eating Disorders Professional Development / Training National Eating Disorder Collaboration (NEDC) National Eating Disorder Collaboration (NEDC) Clinician  
Eating Disorders Professional Development / Training NEDC - Eating Disorders and the Dietitian (Decision-Making Tool) National Eating Disorder Collaboration (NEDC) Clinician  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Children and adolescents National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Overweight and Obesity in Adults, Infants and Children (2013): guide and assist clinicians to improve health outcomes for overweight and obese adults, adolescents and children. National Health and Medical Research Council Clinician  
Mental Health References National Health and Medical Research Council. (2013). Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. Canberra: National Health and Medical Research Council. Accessed 1st August 2019  Clinician  
Mental Health References National Health and Medical Research Council. (2013). Australian Dietary Guidelines. Canberra: National Health and Medical Research Council. Accessed 18 October 2013  Clinician  
Mental Health References National Health and Medical Research Council. (2013). Clinical practice guidelines for the management of overweight and obesity in adults, adolescents and children in Australia. Melbourne: National Health and Medical Research Council.     Clinician  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle General Population National Health Direct (Healthy Eating) portal
The National Health Direct portal provides research, resources and tools for health practitioners as well as patients, including in the area of overweight and obesity.
Department of Health Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle General Population National Health Star Rating
is a quick and easy way to compare the nutritional profile of similar packaged foods. The national public awareness Health Star Rating campaign promotes the use of front of pack health stars on packaged foods. The Health Star Rating system is voluntary for the food industry.
Australian, state and territory governments, and developed in partnership with industry and public health and consumer groups. Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle General Population National Healthy Weight Guide – Helping Hand and Getting Support Department of Health Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle General Population National Healthy Weight Guide is a useful resource for the general Australian public and provides background information on healthy weight issues and is a practical tool to assist children, adults and communities in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Department of Health Patient  
Nutritional Support Approved Materials Nausea and vomiting NEMO Cancer Care Group Patient  
Cancer Care Side effects Nausea and vomiting  NEMO Cancer Care Group Patient  
Maternal Health Clinician resources NHMRC Pregnancy Care Guidelines 2019 Department pf Health Clinician  
Mental Health References NHMRC. (2009). Australian Guidelines to Reduce Health Risks from Drinking Alcohol. Accessed 25 August 2013  Clinician  
Allergy Allergy/intolerance Nip Allergies in the Bub National Allergy Strategy Patient  
Paediatrics Allergy/intolerance Nip Allergies in the Bub National Allergy Strategy Patient  
Mental Health NSAPs No confidence in shopping (patient handout) NHMRC Clinician  
Nutritional Support Approved Materials Nourishing convenience foods  NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient  
Eating Disorders Professional Development / Training Neurodiversity-affirming, accessible and inclusive eating disorder health care – dietitians Eating Disorders Neurodiversity Australia Clinician  
Eating Disorders Professional Development / Training Neurodiversity-affirming, accessible and inclusive eating disorder health care – inpatient care Eating Disorders Neurodiversity Australia Clinician  
Eating Disorders Professional Development / Training Neurodiversity-affirming, accessible and inclusive eating disorder health care – general considerations for all health and allied health professionals Eating Disorders Neurodiversity Australia Clinician  
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Nutrition after a Whipple's procedure NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Nutrition after fundoplication surgery (PDF 773 kB) NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Nutrition after oesophagectomy (PDF 792 kB) NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Cancer Care General Resources Nutrition and cancer Cancer Council Australia Patient  
Kidney Health Approved Materials Nutrition and Kidney Disease
This resource is for people with kidney disease. There is no standard kidney diet, and each person is different. Research findings have changed over the years. Following a healthy dietary pattern e.g. Mediterranean can improve kidney health. 
NEMO Kidney Group Patient  
Cancer Care General Resources Nutrition and neuroendocrine tumours
This resource provides information on the nutritional needs of people with neuroendocrine tumours and how to manage issues that can involve nutrition.
Unicorn Foundation Patient  
Nutritional Support Approved Materials Nutrition for wound healing NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient  
Gastroenterology Approved Materials

Nutrition before surgery

NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient; Video nutriton, before, surgery
Paediatrics Diabetes Nutrition for children with Type 1 Diabetes NEMO Paediatric group Patient nemo; nutrition; children; kids; paediatrics; diet;diabetes;type1;carbohydrates;exchange,BGL,glucose
Cystic Fibrosis Evidence Based Guidelines Nutrition Guidelines for Cystic Fribrosis in Australia and New Zealand 2017 The Thoracic Society Clinician  
Kidney Health Approved Materials Nutrition Immediately after a Kidney Transplant NEMO Kidney Group Patient  
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Nutrition in advanced liver disease for weight management NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient nutrition,liver,disease,advanced,cirrhosis,weight,management,obese,muscle,overweight
Nutritional Support Approved Materials Nutrition in advanced liver disease for weight management NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient nutrition,liver,disease,advanced,cirrhosis,weight,management,obese,muscle,overweight
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Nutrition in advanced liver disease (long) NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient nutritional support,gastroenterology
Nutritional Support Approved Materials Nutrition in advanced liver disease (long) NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient nutritional support,gastroenterology
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Nutrition in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient nemo,gastro,inflammatory,bowel,disease,IBD,crohn's,ulcerative,colitis,nutrition,diet
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Nutrition post gastrectomy (PDF 56 kB) NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Nutritional Support Nutrition Screening Nutrition risk screening 2002 (NRS 2002) Kondrup et al.  2003 Clinician  
Food service Approved Materials Nutrition Standards 2022 Gap Analysis Tool Statewide Foodservices, QLD Clinician nemo,foodservice,nutrition,standards,gap,analysis
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Order form for low FODMAP diet booklet NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Mental Health NSAPs Overweight/ obesity (PDF, 53KB) NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Paediatrics General nutrition Paediatric nutrition screen tool NEMO Paediatric Group Clinician  
Cancer Care Side effects Painful eating and swallowing NEMO Cancer Care Group Patient  
Paediatrics Nutrition support Palliative care - nutrition for children NEMO Paediatric Group Patient  
Cystic Fibrosis Approved Materials Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) for adults with Cystic Fibrosis NEMO Cystic Fibrosis Group Patient  
Paediatrics Cystic Fibrosis Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) for children and adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis NEMO Paediatric Group Patient nemo,paediatrics,creon pert,enzyme,pancreatic,insufficient
Gastroenterology Approved Materials Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) NEMO Gastroenterology Group Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Children and adolescents PANOSH (Physical Activity and Nutrition Out of School Hours Care Program)
Physical Activity and Nutrition Out of School Hours Care Program (PANOSH) resources assisting Outside School Hours Care services to provide healthy and affordable food choices, and to keep children active during afternoon and holidays.
Queensland Health Patient  
Mental Health References Papanikolaou, Y., Palmer, H., Binns, MA., Jenkins, DJA., Greenwood, CE. (2006). Better cognitive performance following a low-glycaemic-index compared with high-glycaemic-index carbohydrate meal in adults with type 2 diabetes. Diabetologia, 49: 855-862.   Clinician  
Nutritional Support Enteral / Parenteral Feeding into your bloodstream (parenteral nutrition) NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient  
Allergy Peanuts, Tree Nut and Sesame Seed Allergy Peanut Allergy Dietary Guide Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy Peanuts, Tree Nut and Sesame Seed Allergy Peanut Allergy Fast Facts Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy Peanuts, Tree Nut and Sesame Seed Allergy Peanut allergen card Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia Patient  
Allergy Peanuts, Tree Nut and Sesame Seed Allergy Peanut, Tree Nut and Seed Allergy Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Paediatrics Renal Phosphate 
This resource has been developed for adults to help manage high phosphate levels. It can be adapted by your dietitian to be suitable for paediatrics.
NEMO Kidney Group Patient  
Kidney Health Approved Materials Phosphate NEMO Kidney Group Patient  
Kidney Health Approved Materials Phosphorus additives AARD- Auckland Regional Renal Dietitians Patient  
Kidney Health Approved Materials Phosphorus and the kidney AARD- Auckland Regional Renal Dietitians Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Good Start Fact Sheets (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities) Physical activity for the family Good Start Program – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
Nutritional Support Approved Materials Pictorial guide to high protein high energy foods  NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient  
Weight Control Approved Materials Plating it up: the portion guide Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute Patient  
Mental Health NSAPs Poor appetite NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Mental Health Action based resources Poor appetite NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Mental Health NSAPs Poor knowledge of 'healthy' take-away options (PDF, 42KB) (patient handout)  NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Mental Health NSAPs Poor meal time habits (patient handout) NHMRC Clinician  
Mental Health NSAPs Poor nutrition knowledge (PDF, 48KB) NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Cancer Care General Resources Position Statement: Cancer-related malnutrition and sarcopenia COSA Clinician  
Mental Health Approved Materials Practical advice about each of the food groups NHMRC Patient  
Maternal Health Patient education resources Pregnancy weight gain chart for BMI < 25kg/m2 NEMO Maternal Health Group Patient pregnancy, weight gain, BMI, BMI<25, antenatal, maternity, health, nutrition, NEMO,
Maternal Health Patient education resources Pregnancy weight gain chart for BMI > 25kg/m2 NEMO Maternal Health Group Patient pregnancy, weight gain, BMI, BMI>25, antenatal, maternity, health, nutrition, NEMO,
Maternal Health Patient education resources Pregnancy weight gain chart for twin/triplet pregnancies for BMI less than 25 kgm2 NEMO Maternal Health Group Patient pregnancy; twin, triplet, weight gain, BMI, BMI<25, antenatal, maternity, health, nutrition, NEMO,
Maternal Health Patient education resources Pregnancy weight gain chart for twin/triplet pregnancies for BMI more than 25 kgm2 NEMO Maternal Health Group Patient pregnancy, twin, triplet, weight gain, BMI, BMI>25, antenatal, maternity, health, nutrition, NEMO,
Cancer Care Side effects 5 top tips for preparing to eat well before radiotherapy to the head and neck area NEMO Cancer Care Group Patient NEMO,head,neck,cancer,radiotherapy,radiation,chemoradiation,chemoradiotherapy,side,effects,nutrition
Cancer Care General Resources Preventing weight loss – Why is it important for people with cancer?
This handout explains why preventing malnutrition and weight loss is important for people with cancer.
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Patient  
General Promoting a healthy lifestyle Promoting a healthy lifestyle Queensland Government Patient  
Paediatrics General nutrition Promoting a healthy lifestyle
Nutrition and physical activity guidelines for children and adolescents 
Queensland Government Patient  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Cultural capability Protocols for the use of ‘Aboriginal’ and ‘Torres Strait Islander’ Queensland Health Clinician  
Cultural competence resources for clinicians and their work units General Resources Providing culturally responsive dietetic services: a self assessment tool for clinicians
This self assessment tool focuses on values, attitudes and awareness, work practices, communication, training, quality improvement and research. It provides strategies to improve cultural competence for each focus area. 
Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health Clinician  
Cultural competence resources for clinicians and their work units General Resources Providing culturally responsive dietetic services: an organisational assessment tool
This resource was developed for dietetic departments. It links culturally appropriate services with government policy, best practice guidelines and hospital accreditation. The tool is based on a number of generic tools, but uses the Equitable and accessible care framework (multicultural version) to focus on five key areas; inclusive systems and environments, capable and informed staff, effective communication, consumer engagement, and partnerships and healthy communities. Areas of improvement can be mapped and added to quality improvement and business plans. 
Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health Clinician  
Texture Modification Approved Materials Puree (IDDSI Level 4) NEMO Texture Modification Group Patient Nemo, texture modification, puree, IDDSI
Eating Disorders Support Services Queensland Eating Disorder Service
The Queensland Eating Disorder Service (QuEDS), formerly known as the Eating Disorder Outreach Service (EDOS), provides assessment, care and treatment for people and their families affected by Eating Disorders.
QuEDS Clinician  
Eating Disorders Evidenced-Based Practice Guidelines QuEDS Guide to Admission and Inpatient Treatment QuEDS Clinician  
Food service Approved Materials Queensland Health Nutrition Standards for Meals and Menus 2022 Statewide Foodservices, Queensland Health Clinician  
Mental Health References Queensland Health. (2002). Food Safety Matters. Accessed 15 January 2016  Clinician  
Mental Health Approved Materials Quick and easy meals NHMRC Patient  
Nutritional Support Approved Materials Quick tips for a high protein high energy diet NEMO Nutrition Support Group Patient  
Diabetes Healthy eating Reading food labels NEMO Diabetes Group Patient nemo,food,label,reading,nutrition,information,panel
Diabetes Carbohydrate counting Reading food labels NEMO Diabetes Group Patient nemo,food,label,reading,nutrition,information,panel
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources General Resources Ready reckoner of common Samoan food
This resource is free to download 
Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health Patient  
Paediatrics General nutrition Recipes for kids Comments: Free to download after registering an account. Foodbank Western Australia Patient Promoting, healthy, lifestyle, cooking, health promotion, nutrition, nemo, nutritionist, public health, community, health, families, children, kids, schools, recipes
Eating Disorders Collaboration of Dietitians in Eating Disorders (COD-ED) resources Recovery Orientated Language Guide Mental Health Coordinating Council (MHCC) Clinician  
General General health resources Reduce your risk: New national guidelines for alcohol consumption Department of Health, Australian Government Patient alcohol abuse; alcohol drinking; australia; health promotion; policy; prevention and control; projects, reduce, risk, alcohol consumption
Kidney Health Approved Materials Reducing salt for kidney health
This resource is for people with kidney disease. All people with kidney disease need to limit the amount of salt they eat.
NEMO Kidney Group Patient  
Paediatrics Renal Reducing salt in children and adolescents NEMO Paediatric Group Patient  
Kidney Health Approved Materials Kidney disease and constipation NEMO Kidney Group Patient  
Food service Approved Materials Resident Foodservice Satisfaction Questionnaire (short version)
Wright O, Capra S, Connelly L. Foodservice satisfaction domains in geriatrics, rehabilitation and aged care. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 2010; 14: 775–780. 
Dr Olivia Wright Clinician  
Food service Approved Materials Resident Foodservice Satisfaction Questionnaire
Wright O, Capra S, Connelly L. Foodservice satisfaction domains in geriatrics, rehabilitation and aged care. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 2010; 14: 775–780. 
Dr Olivia Wright Clinician  
Gastroenterology Food Intolerances RPAH Elimination Diet information Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Allergy Unit Patient  
Allergy Food Intolerances RPAH Elimination Diet Information Contains information about salicylates, amines and glutamates as well as an introduction to the RPAH Elimination Diet. Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Allergy Unit Patient  
Cancer Care General Resources Safe eating for poor immune function NEMO Cancer Care Group Patient Safe eating, cancer, immune, immunosuppression, immunosuppressed, low listeria
Paediatrics Cystic Fibrosis Salt replacement therapy for children and adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis NEMO Paediatric Group Patient  
Nutritional Support Nutrition assessment Scored Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) Website, the
Comment: Resources and references to assist in completing the PG-SGA including the PG-SGA hints sheet 
PT Global Clinician Innovation, nutritional care, PG-SGA, Pt-Global Platform, nutritional assessment
Kidney Health Sodium screening tools Scored Sodium Questionnaire – Screening Form (SSQ-SF)
Development and Evaluation of a Scored Sodium Questionnaire–Screening Form for Kidney Disease Patients. Journal of Renal Nutrition, 26(3), 159-167.
Ross, L., Chong, S. H., Mason, B., & Healy, H. (2016). Clinician  
Kidney Health Sodium screening tools Scored Sodium Questionnaire (SSQ)
Development and validation of a dietary screening tool for high sodium consumption in Australian renal patients. Journal of Renal Nutrition, 24(2), 123-134. e123.
Mason, B., Ross, L., Gill, E., Healy, H., Juffs, P., & Kark, A. (2014) Clinician  
General Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants Scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) Better Health Channel, VIC State Government Patient  
Allergy Peanuts, Tree Nut and Sesame Seed Allergy Seed Allergy – Fast Facts Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Weight Control Approved Materials Self monitoring for a healthy lifestyle NEMO Weight Management Group Patient  
Allergy Peanuts, Tree Nut and Sesame Seed Allergy Sesame Allergy Dietary Guide Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy Peanuts, Tree Nut and Sesame Seed Allergy Sesame allergen card Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia Patient  
Stroke & Neurology Approved Materials Shake the habit: ten tips to reduce salt in your diet VicHealth Patient  
Allergy Seafood Allergy Shellfish Allergy Dietary Guide Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Mental Health NSAPs Sick/ poor appetite (PDF, 46KB) NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Nutritional Support Approved Materials SIMPLE Malnutrition Models of Care resources SIMPLE Project Team Clinician

SIMPLE, approach, Malnutrition, Models, Care, resources

Kidney Health Approved Materials Simple swaps to eat less sodium (salt) NEMO Kidney Group Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Healthy food supply in schools, sport clubs and health care facilities Smart Choices Healthy Food and Drink Supply Strategy
Smart Choices Healthy Food and Drink Supply Strategy provide guidelines for healthy food and drink choices in Queensland schools.
Queensland Government Patient  
Kidney Health Approved Materials Snack suggestions for kidney patients NEMO Kidney Group Patient  
Texture Modification Approved Materials Soft and Bite Sized Diet (IDDSI Level 6) NEMO Texture Modification Group Patient Nemo, texture modification, soft and bite sized, IDDSI
Allergy Soy Allergy Soy Allergy Dietary Guide Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy Soy Allergy Soy allergen card Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia Patient  
Clinician Prevention Soy food, phytooestrogens and cancer Cancer Council Australia Clinician  
Cancer Care Evidence Based Guidelines Soy food, phyto-oestrogens and cancer  – Cancer Council Australia
This resource provides the Cancer Council’s position statement on Soy, phyto-oestrogens and cancer prevention.
Cancer Council Australia Clinician  
Paediatrics Infant nutrition Starting solids for preterm babies NEMO Paediatric Group Patient  
Culturally tailored translated resources Samoan clinical dietetic resources for renal failure and heart disease Suavai (fluid) information for people with heart disease Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health in partnership with Logan Hospital dietitians Patient  
Culturally tailored translated resources Samoan clinical dietetic resources for renal failure and heart disease Suavai (fluid) information for people with heart disease (translated) Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health in partnership with Logan Hospital dietitians Patient  
Culturally tailored translated resources Samoan clinical dietetic resources for renal failure and heart disease Suavai (fluid) information for people with kidney disease Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health in partnership with Logan Hospital dietitians Patient  
Culturally tailored translated resources Samoan clinical dietetic resources for renal failure and heart disease Suavai (fluid) information for people with kidney disease (translated) Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health in partnership with Logan Hospital dietitians Patient  
Nutritional Support Nutrition assessment Subjective global assessment (SGA) Detsky AS et al. 1987 Clinician  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Other target groups Sugary Drinks Proper No Good - Drink More Water Youfla
‘Sugary Drinks Proper No Good - Drink More Water Youfla’ initiative for remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
Apunipima Cape York Health Council Patient  
Allergy Other Allergies Sulfite Sensitivity FAQ Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Promoting a healthy lifestyle Approved Materials Superhero Foods Nutrition Comments: Superhero Foods Nutrition program has a focus on improving the healthy eating behaviours of school-aged children. The website includes a range of education resources for children, families and schools. Foodbank Western Australia Clinician Promoting, healthy, lifestyle, cooking, health promotion, nutrition, nemo, nutritionist, public health, community, health, families, children, kids, schools, recipes
Cancer Care General Resources Taste and Smell Changes-Clinicians Guide eviQ Clinician  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Good Start Fact Sheets (for Maori and Pacific Islander communities) Testing for gestational diabetes Good Start Program – Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Patient  
Allergy General Resources The Immune System Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Texture Modification Approved Materials Thickened fluids NEMO Texture Modification Group Patient Nemo, thickened fluids, texture modification, thick, drink, IDDSI
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Healthy babies: introduction to solids (for African communities) Time to start solids for your baby Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Healthy babies: introduction to solids (for African communities) Time to start solids for your baby Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Healthy babies: introduction to solids (for African communities) Time to start solids for your baby Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health Patient  
Culturally tailored, low literacy, graphic resources Healthy babies: introduction to solids (for African communities) Time to start solids for your baby – iron-rich foods Access & Capacity-building team, Metro South Health Patient  
Mental Health Approved Materials Tips for eating well NHMRC Patient  
Diabetes Hypoglycaemia management Treating hypoglycaemia or a ‘hypo’ with an insulin pump NEMO Diabetes Group Patient  
Allergy Peanuts, Tree Nut and Sesame Seed Allergy Tree Nut Allergy Dietary Guide Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy Peanuts, Tree Nut and Sesame Seed Allergy Tree nut allergen card Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia Patient  
Allergy Peanuts, Tree Nut and Sesame Seed Allergy Tree nuts idenfication cards Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia Patient  
Cancer Care General Resources Tube Feeding Options for Patients with Head and Neck Cancer undergoing Radiotherapy NEMO Cancer Care Group Patient nemo,tube feeding,nutrition,malnutrition
Diabetes Exercise/activity Type 1 diabetes and exercise NEMO Diabetes Group Patient nemo,diabetes,exercise,BGL,carbohydrate
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes in young people factsheet Menzies – school of health research Patient  
Cancer Care General Resources Understanding complementary therapies  Cancer Council Patient cancer, treatment, complementary, therapies
Weight Control Approved Materials Understanding Portion Sizes NEMO Weight Management Group Patient  
Cancer Care General Resources Understanding Taste and Smell Changes
This fact sheet has been prepared to help you understand more about how and why cancer and some cancer treatments can change the way some foods taste, smell or feel.
Cancer Council Victoria Patient  
Mental Health References University of Sydney. (2012). About Glycemic Index. Accessed 03 July 2013, the  Clinician  
Mental Health References University of Sydney. Make Healthy Choices Easier. p. 1-7. Accessed 30 August 2013, the  Clinician  
Cancer Care Evidence Based Guidelines Updated evidence based practice guidelines for the nutritional management of patients receiving radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy, Nutrition & Dietetics, 65: 1–20
Isenring, E., Zabel, R., Bannister, M., Brown, T., Findaly, M., Kiss, N., Loeliger, J., Johnstone, C., Camilleri, B., Davidson, W., Hill, J., and Bauer, J. 
Nutrition & Dietetics Clinician chemotherapy, evidence-based guidelines, nutrition, oncology, radiation therapy, radiotherapy.
Nutritional Support Nutrition assessment Using Body Mass Index NEMO Nutrition Support group Clinician  
General Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants Vitamin and mineral supplements Better Health Channel, VIC State Government Patient    
Bariatric Surgery Approved Materials Vitamin and Mineral Recommendations after Bariatric Surgery NEMO Bariatric Surgery Group Patient

nemo,bariatric,surgery,vitamin,mineral,multivitamin,supplement,gastric sleeve,gastric bypass,gastric band,weight loss surgery

General Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants Vitamin B Better Health Channel, VIC State Government Patient  
General Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants Vitamin D Osteoporosis Australia Patient  
Paediatrics Cystic Fibrosis Vitamin supplementation and Cystic Fibrosis NEMO Paediatric Group Patient nemo,cf,cystic fibrosis,nutrition,vitamin,supplementation,fat soluble
Cystic Fibrosis Approved Materials Vitamin supplementation and Cystic Fibrosis (adults) NEMO Cystic Fibrosis Group Patient  
General Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants Vitamins - common misconceptions Better Health Channel, VIC State Government Patient  
Allergy Wheat Allergy Wheat Allergy Dietary Guide Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Patient  
Allergy Wheat Allergy Wheat allergen card Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia Patient  
Mental Health Action based resources Weight management NEMO Mental Health Group Clinician  
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Diabetes Youth and families - Living Well with Diabetes’ poster Menzies – school of health research Patient  
Diabetes Exercise/activity Blood glucose levels (BGLs) and physical activity NEMO Diabetes Group Patient nemo, diabetes, exercise, blood glucose levels, BGL, carbohydrate
Mental Health References Wilkinson, S. & Himstedt, K. (2008) Establishing an innovative model of nutrition and dietetic care for a mental health service through collaboration with non-nutrition health care workers. Nutrition & Dietetics, 65 (4), 279-283.   Clinician  
Stroke & Neurology Approved Materials Gastrostomy Decision Making Tool
Co-design of an ALS/MND decision making tool
Dr Anne Hogden Patient, Clinician  
Nutritional Support Nutrition assessment SGA Malnutrition Assessment training videos Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Clinician  
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Last updated: 21 August 2024