Fact sheets
Country of birth data analysis reports
Death and hospitalisation rates by country of birth in Queensland:
- Introduction, data sources and definitions (PDF, 206kB)
- All - causes (PDF, 108kB)
- Avoidable deaths (PDF, 115kB)
- Potentially preventable hospitalisations (PDF, 118kB)
- Selected chronic conditions (PDF. 134kB)
- Discussion and summary of report series (PDF, 122kB)
Other reports
- Discussion paper: Experimental life tables by remoteness, Queensland, 2002-04 and 2005-07 - Closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Life Expectancy (PDF, 537kB)
- 2000 Chronic diseases surveys: Diabetes prevalence and management report (PDF, 483kB)
This report details the results of two telephone surveys, one of the general population and one of people with diabetes. - An overview of indicators of nutritional status in Queensland adults: Collected as part of the AusDiab study (PDF, 349kB)
- Status Report on the Health of Queensland's Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders (1996)(PDF, 279MB)
- The State of Health of the Queensland Population (PDF, 435kB)
- Contribution of Cigarrette Smoking to Mortality and Morbidity in Queensland (PDF, 112kB)
This report details the number and trends between 1989 and 2001 of deaths and hospital separations estimated to be caused by smoking.