Queensland Stay On Your Feet® - Toolkit Phase 3

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How are we monitoring progress?

Monitoring implementation is an essential element of project/program management.

Project management

During planning in Phase 2, the elements of the project/program that would be monitored were selected. During implementation, it is a good idea to review the monitoring process to determine if anything being collected is unnecessary and if any elements are inadvertently not being recorded.

There are two broad aspects of the project/program that need to be monitored:

  • internal operations including monitoring of progress against quality, time, budget parameters, scope and the potential opportunities and barriers [19]
  • external operations as perceived by those involved with the project/program.

Monitor and track progress by documenting and reporting on the status of implementation, and managing issues early [19]. Some methods used to monitor programs include:

  • weekly, monthly, six monthly and annual reviews [19]
  • writing status reports [19]
  • reviewing the project plan and timeline and revising where necessary
  • keeping a register of issues including adverse events that arise and how they were actioned
  • updating action lists
  • comparing budgeted costs with actual costs
  • keeping records of telephone calls, attendance, resources and media coverage.

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Monitoring internal operations

For project/program success, it is critical that ongoing internal operations are reviewed to ensure that work is being progressed as planned and if any changes need to be made.

An advisory group consisting of experts and representatives from the target group that meets regularly to discuss the internal operations can effectively and objectively address issues that arise. This external input often provides clarity to issues that the project/program team members may have struggled with due to being too close to the work.

Monitoring external operations

To monitor how the project is being accepted and regarded by the community, involve and include the community, organisations and individuals in a monitoring and review process.

For example, the Stay on Your Feet Wide Bay/Burnett trial project held regular community progress meetings.

Trial project progress meetings

Use simple measures to help the community easily understand and participate in the monitoring and review process.

For example, rate planned strategies using a traffic light scale, which was originally developed by Queensland Health’s Tropical Population Health Network. The different coloured lights have meanings that reflect the project/program’s progress.

  • Red light: Not progressing. Re-assess what is needed to make strategies work. Make a decision about whether it is worth the effort to continue with these strategies.
  • Amber light: Progress is limited. This strategy needs more support or re-assessment. Discuss what to do next.
  • Green light: Progressing well, should continue or successfully completed.

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Last updated: 7 August 2012